Favorite gym games

exactly but cuz I never changed so often… a few times the gym teacher forced me to play the given game anyways cuz I never did perticipate… bowling and hoffmans golf was cool last year at shaker though… got me away from school…FTW!

I woulda been the kid who checked your face into a bleecher

I just never changed anyway, gym teacher told me he was going to have to take points off for not changing and participating…got a 100 in gym all 6 MP’s

your schools must have sucked then, in my school everyone tried just for the hell of it, not caus they were “jocks” or anything. even the nerdy kids went balls out. no one really made fun of anybody, it was just good clean fun every class.

Yeah, you see, kids that went to CBA…didn’t give a fuck. 90% of kids just didn’t go, and those that did most likely played sports and would play basketball or something and just not go to class all day and just play basketball (which I actually did do a few times, but normal gym class was gay)
CBA also didn’t really play “games” in gym, that’s some JH and elementary BS.


wtf else do you do in gym, drill practice? :gay

Umm, idk sports? Baseball outside, football outside, basketball in the gym, razzle dazzle football outside.
Drill was on Thurs. and was probably the biggest joke/best excuse to not go to class because all we did was fuck around.

yeah we obviously played sports too, every semester had 3 “units”, one or two were “real” sports and the other one or two were “games”

I always used to get in trouble for swearing. We used to repeat T.G. quotes since I first started watching his videos in 9th grade, haha.

I remember in badminton everytime I missed the birdie I would drop a T.G. bomb as loudly as I could… got a few referrals and detentions for that. haha

Well when you have “units” in gym class…that is fucking gay. You’re in high school, you should be able to do what you want.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

well we got to pick our units, shitdick.

misses birdie

“Last time I missed a birdie, I got FUCKED!”

I like going to play volleyball with the CP at mohon, even though I graduated like 5-6yrs ago :lol

Floor hockey was the shit, and timed obstacle courses

dodgeball. in highschool i spent most of my alotted gym time in the weightroom because i used to call my gym teacher barney rubble and i was on the verge of being kicked out so my principal told me to find something to do with my time.

Basketball. I could dunk a tennis ball (which was impressive for my height), and could shoot very well. I once made 25 free throws in a row, ha. Now, I’d be lucky to touch the net.

I was the 2nd weakest kid in my grade, I could barely bench 95 lbs once. The weakest kid, my friend, could not do THE BAR once. Double:retardclap:retardclap

CCHS needs to stop that archery shit. Damn kids shot arrows into my parents yard and right in to the pool liner on year. Lets give kids some dangerous and a lack of supervision. Awesome use of our school taxes.

lmao I remember archery, what a shit show that was

Shit. Thats where I know you from lol… CBA 7-10th

andd… maybe you rode snowmobiles with me and nick mangino a while back ?