(February) Winter Monthly Meeting *NEW LOCATION*!!!

Monthly meeting will be at Boston Pizza in Mayfield Common on Sunda Feb. 6th. If you have a cool car related video on DVD be sure to bring it, so we can take full use of the entertainment system. I will be sending out a mass email later to let everyone know of the change. Hope to see you all there. I know its a little early for this post, but its better than posting it a day in advance. :wink:

ah man i had enough trouble finding oliver square in the summer. where the hell is mayfield common? and whats this video watching thing? we goig to someones house or a theatre or what?

EDIT : n/m i just read the thread underneigh this.


Go west on 111 Ave until the road bends into Mayfield Rd. Or get on Mayfield Rd from 170st. Its not exactly where the star is, but on that road.


damn …I liked downtown alot better …

I will bring some option vids …vhs ? dvd ? vcd ? svcd ?

Works for me.

[quote=“TyPhOOn”]damn …I liked downtown alot better …


good location for summer meets soo many options to cruise to afterwards …

In summer, we will probably go back to meeting at Kelseys, as we dont go inside much anyway.

you can bring anything but VHS scott other than that hope to see you all there

Yeah, the BP’s is for the winter locations, and Oliver Square for the summer locations.

That sound ok?

So is the BP’s a go now for sure?

Dave, message me on msn, and we’ll chat further about the email.

Notice is never too early. See y’all there.

I’ll probably come by. There’s nothing like a team pitcher on a Sunday afternoon.

  • Mike

what time does the super bowl start?

Thats irrelevant :wink:

If we plan on getting a 10+ person table at a sports bar on Superbowl Sunday, I’d say timing is very relevant :wink:

  • Mike

Does the Superbowls time coincide with our meeting at 7pm?

no its very important.

Doesn’t the game start @ 4:30pm? That makes a big Difference!! the game won’t be over till atleast 7:30pm. Right!! So if you wanted to watch the game you would be misssing the last 4th. Is it posible to come eairlier…would anyone be up for watching the game there?

im watching it at my friends but u can come to if u want