New meeting place? Opinions..

Well Josh aka DrifterX brought up a good opportunity to us. He works at BPs in mayfield common. He has talked with his boss, and we can get the back room with a TV, for our meets. His boss even offered to give us a deal on food! There is ample parking, with security, so our cars wont be in jeopardy. I know its not a very central location, so it will suck for us sherwood park losers. But this venue will allow a better discussion, and of course the ability to watch vids. So lets here your thoughts and questions.

Private rooms kick ass! It’s so hard to talk at Kelseys; I think it’s a great idea.

sounds cool. does it have a DVD player??

Apparantly a DVD player can be arranged. Hell, I’ll bring mine if I have to.

ok cuz i’ll bring a couple DVD’s.

Drift Bible
a couple others if i can find then
BMI and Initial D.

Drift Bible would be awesome. We can study up for the summer movie. :smiley:

Really? This sounds like a promising idea. So we could hook up a vcr or dvd player? Deal on food? Quiter there?

Well, if this is all true, then I’m game for the idea. This will be a great place to meet for winter, although for summer time, I still enjoy the nice parking lot at Oliver Square. lol.

Well Dave, see if we can make it happen?

Peace out.

Dude…hell yeah!

I live close to the west end, so mebbe if we move there I might actually be able to make it to a meet! :wink:

i live in sherwood park but i will drive there if its hooked up. and i think its a great idea and i got all the initial d movies and a couple drift movies.

Alright sounds like a go then. I didnt see much argument coming of this.

We aren’t talking about your private chat rooms Matt. Cyber-pervert. :lol:

Any chance of a new meeting DAY?

Sunday nights are proving quite tough for me to make.

Same here, or else the weather decides to become shitty, or my car decides to be a bitch to me and break down! :evil:

Mayfield sounds great to me!! Straight down 170st for me!! :lol:

I’m not sure on changing the day. From what I gathered earlier, there where quite a few of us that can only make it out on Sundays. I suppose if there are enough people wanting to change it we could hold a vote, but it would be impossible to get a day where everyone is free. :slight_smile:

lol it sounds like everyone is wanting to do this so ya if you want me to set this up give me a date and i can arrange for this to happen

Josh Chan

We aren’t talking about your private chat rooms Matt. Cyber-pervert. :lol:[/quote]
Awwww dammit!!!

Seriously though, nothing ever really gets done at Kelseys. There’s usually a half dozen conversations going on and nobody knows what’s happening at the other end of the table.

Getting some plans set down for a video would be great too.

Yeah this is a great place! I like the date, 1st Sunday of every month!

I wouldnt say nothing gets done at Kelseys, as the November meet was very productive. But this should be much better.

Josh, the date for our next meeting would be Sunday February 6. After that, March 6, and April 3.

D’oh… caulk that up as another meeting I’ll have to miss. That’s my wife’s birthday and I won’t even be able to watch the SUPERBOWL that day, let alone go to a car club meeting.

Oh well… see you guys in MARCH… .maybe. :frowning:

ok i’ll set it up for febuary 6th but can someone give me a rough estimate on how many people will be showing up?