Who is going to do the shit jobs then if the pay does not let you live? That’s a pretty piss-poor attitude.
there are thousands of items sold at store xxx, and maybe 20 workers that will get a 1 dollar raise.
now if all of a sudden the price of a super mighty jumps up to 6.75, then im going to have to step in, and no one wants any of that shit.
I just placed a very large order for parts from China.:gotme:
hmmm well now that you put it into terms that were detrimental to us…
teenagers, and the low income “groups” that is quickly becoming the majority in suburban areas, more money=more problems in these types of areas…
if nobody wants to do a job, then the there will need to
be an incentive… like higher pay.
i have a piss poor attitude because there are so many people
that are not contributing to society.
i work hard to pay my taxes, so that they can be redistributed others with even
worse attitudes. (yes, i’m generalizing :D)
Know what this thread needs? More opinions from economists, and less opinions from people that have no clue.
I’ve been trying to find real opinions on this but most of the articles I’ve seen are clearly biased one way or the other. I don’t care what some liberal democrat thinks, because they’re doing this for votes from their base, not caring what it does or doesn’t do for the economy. The same goes for the view of some conservative republican. What I want to know is what independent business and financial groups think.
Why a federal law?
Let each state decide.
If California wants it to be fair then they can raise theirs to $20.00/hour.
Do you see where I am going with this?
taxes go up, insurance goes up(disability, workers comp,etc…)
cost for raw materials…
maintaining profit margins is what businesses do.
ex. a small company making 20% profits makes more after cutting
30% of the workforce. the work will be redisributed/refined so that less people
can do more. industries with low profit margins tend to have high volumes. that will distribute the increased expenses.
:tup: Great point. Hell, why not on a county level even. Buffalo vs NYC are drastically different too.
The arguement I see a lot supporting higher minimum wage that really pisses me off is, “How is a family of 4 supposed to live on $5.15 an hour.”
Wait, who told you to have two kids when you’re working at minimum wage? And why is it societies responsibility to make sure that no matter how unskilled you are you can afford to have two kids?
The fact is with one or two parents making 5.15, or 7.25, you’re not going to give 2 kids much of a life in most places in this country. Be responsible and hold of having those kids until you can actually afford them.
I’m not saying I’m against raising the minimum wage, because like I said, I haven’t seen enough good unskewed data to form an opinion, but I will take issue with anyone using the support a family arguement.
So your saying we should pay based off of age and your debt. I didn;t tell you to buy a house, have kids, get married. If you do a job, you should get paid for it just the same as the next guy. I am not normally with the dems on anything, but this is one i agree with. True most places pay more than even this raise, so what will it hurt. I guess you forget that back in HS you got paid 5 bucks an hour, and gas was a dollar or so. Now some kids are still making 5 bucks, and gas is around 2.50 a gallon, and you don’t think that something should be changed. Truth be known, employeers will fuck whoever they can, which is usually the young and dumb HS’s.
The thing that pisses me off is back when I was like 14…standing over a fucking dishwasher at a restaurant kitchen sweating my nutsack off, working till 3 in the morning on a friday night for like 4.75 an hour…Now some kid can go out, do the same job (or something better) and make 2.50 more an hour.
Just like you are pissing off the guy that had to walk to school back when he was 14 with cardboard taped to his feet UPHILL, while you were wearing Nikes riding the bus
It’s called progress people…
AWD - You know, I read this article at work this morning… You are the first person I thought of. …and that is nearly what I expected You to say/post/respond.
Can anyone else tell me why large business entities are sending call centers, data centers, and operations centers out of the US?
2000 employees x $2/hour = $8.32m
1500 employees x $7/hour = $21.8m
Does anyone know why I could buy a nearly identical DC servo motor from a (taiwanese) importer for $0.72 /per (with freight), when the LOCALLY made motor costs $1.90? Seriously…?
Wait… just wait till The Governator gets his statewide health insurance law into place. There will be no more small business.
I love it when NYS does this because everyone at wegmans gets a raise,no matter what your pay rate or position is…its just to be fair.:tup:
I don’t really care how much he fucks up CA. I’m never going to live there. I live in the #2 liberal state in the nation and most of the time I feel like everyone around me is taking stupid pills, so why would I want to move to the #1 liberal state? Unless like at the end of Judge Dredge, when Judges retire and bring law to the lawless, old Conservatives retire and try to bring common sense to the senseless.
What scares me is we just plucked Nancy Pelosi out of that state and put her in charge of the House. Now instead of just running her state into the ground, she’s got a shot at the whole country. Yay!
I think the farm minimum wage in NY is $6.75, does this mean that farmers will have to increase pay to meet federal standards?
Maybe WALMART will start importing fresh produce too.:bloated: