Federal Pensions cost $70 billion a year

And the outrageous ones aren’t the typical middle class worker.

United States government pension plans pay out more than $70 billion a year to about 1.8 million retired federal workers. But not all government retirees are created equal. According to data acquired by Bloomberg News through the Freedom of Information Act, almost 15,000 retired federal workers earn more than $100,000 a year. This includes 9.3% of former employees of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Lawmakers and cabinet officials don’t do too badly either. Members of Congress can begin collecting their pensions at 62 if they have served a mere five years in office. If they’ve served 20 years, they can collect at age 50.


Hardly any of Congressmen are ever in a need of retirement funds, yet they can’t figure out how to help the budget.


dont most people in congress die before retiring though? Seems like theres alot of old fucks in office

usually they retire first but they are a bunch of old fucks because everyone bitches about the government sucking but has a its not my guy its yours mentality so they keep re-electing the same guy.

ya know what, whatever…im not entirely opposed to it.

since its a pension that implies that they worked at some point. the government forks out a retarded amount of cash for people who dont work at all. even though these congress peeps do a terrible job, at least they arent posted up on a porch all day long while i wake up for work at 5am and pay taxes

You do realize that everybody pays taxes right?

Also everybody has worked “at some point”.

IE if you’re fine with government “working at some point” and getting a 6 figure retirement for the rest of their life from their tax dollars, you are sure as hell fine with “porch people” who also “worked at some point” getting money for a few years from the government as well.

As long as you’re being consistent…

fixed it for ya.

Show me a person that doesn’t pay sales tax…

Native American Indians dont pay tax on anything. They carry a card that they show and dont have to pay tax anywhere.

Ive seen it and was talking to an indian I knew and she told me about it.


I’d be willing to bet a LOT of those federal pensions are retired military too… I’ve talked to 20+ year retired E9s who make over 60k/year with retirement and disability- and they deserve every penny. A lot of retired officers get close to or over 6 figures as well, depending on their rank at retirement…

Tap dat talk

Did you know that the government makes sure that it never snows on reservations??

True fact.

Don’t even bother looking it up.


Strong PJB, PJB :rofl

Tap dat talk

This girl said she used that card at walmart.

Dont believe everything you read on the internet. Yahoo answers is probably as legit as this site when looking for the truth

I thought you meant income tax…

You want a million other links?

You ever work retail? What would you do if a Native American handed you a card and said “don’t charge me tax” besides telling him to go fuck hinself?

The only thing that makes you seem half intelligent is the fact that your new posts set your bar even lower and the old PJB looks brilliant by comparison.

I dont know what the fuck your issue is with me but I never gave you reason to have one with me. You just seem to go out of your way to say/do shit to me lately.

They really do carry tax exempt cards whether or not you want to believe it.

I’m sure they do.

And they use them on their reservations.

They also get rain delivered by cloud seeding and chem trails, free by the government.

They also don’t need passports to go overseas.

They also don’t need birth certificates.

Native Americans don’t have to get licenses.

Indians can get paid unemployment even if they work over the table.

They get social security even though they pay NO TAXES.

They actually get a tax refund in THOUSANDS of dollars.

They don’t have to wait in lines if they use their cards.

True story.

Have you even ever seen or met an indian?

umm…get gas on the reservations, it’s cheaper. i do this when i go out to my gmas.

Native American…Indians own quickie marts.