Name them.
How can you add to a system by returning less money back than what was taken especially when it was given to a person who doesn’t contribute any in the first place? Of course the origin of the money makes a difference. If i find gold, go to the mint, and exchange my gold for new money which I then use for goods and enter into the economy in some way that’s adding to the system.
The majority of the money for pensions I’m willing to bet are from middle class ect. Yes some people make a lot of money in their pensions and maybe it should be looked at. I do think however this whole focusing on the evil money makers is getting old. At least they’ve done SOMETHING to earn money. I think the issue is these extended welfare laws where you get cash, groceries, rent, utilities, a cell phone, ect indefinitely when you number one are able to work doing SOMETHING, and two don’t even attempt because…why would you?