fedex lost my transmission!!!

Personally, i can see where this is a PITA for you and I understand your frustration. But logically, consider how many packages they handle.? Some will get lost, delayed, stolen, damaged, etc. It is inevitiable. Sucks it happened to you though.

going on day 3

Is it still on the truck? Making any progress with the claim?

maybe you should do what i told you to do instead of crying about it online :gotme:

the claim has been filed, i’m going to wait till monday.

question on the insurance. the insurance only covers a package damaged in transit right, if its lost they have to provide compensation i would think.

insurance covers damaged and lost packages. So if they cant find it they would pay you whatever amount of insurance you had on it.

kinda OT, but i just had a similar experience here at work (UPS Store). a custoer called me and said they shipped out 2 packages to Texas, and only one of them got there. so i go and look up the info, come up with both tracking numbers, punch them in, and it says they were both delivered to the same address at the same time on the saem date in Texas. so after listening to her bitch and moan at me on the phone for 30 fucking minutes, and me telling her i was sorry her package apparently didnt get there, and i told her basically all i could tell her from the information i was able to obtain (read here the whole package process, told her every scan, every time that package moved i told her about it, and i did this for BOTH packages) basically told her to call the UPS 1-800 number and bitch at them because there was nothing i could do. i can understand that being scanned out to the truck but not really being on the truck, but this said both packlages (including the one she claimed never got there) were delivered and signed for. so yeah.

this situation is no different then if goodyear sends me to another store to pick up a tire. if that tire should disapear in transit guess who is responsible not the store we got it from, not the store i’m delivering it to but ME i wold have to replace it.

no actually its not the same. If you have never worked for FedEx, UPS, DHL, USPS, etc. dont think you know how they work in moving packages around.