Fellow Shifters, please take a moment and read this

Raising the price of cigarettes won’t deter people from smoking, it’ll end up being like a bunch of crack fiends looking for their next fix, blowing off important bills, fucking their kids over etc.

You know how many times ive seen people buy a pack of cigarettes with change, and i mean fucking penny’s nickels, come up short a dollar and beg people to just let them have their smokes? Ive seen a mom tell her son he could not get a drink because she dident have enough for her cigarettes otherwise

It’s legal crack.

I loved smoking, i know it was not good for me, but i enjoyed the feeling of it and I enjoyed some of the characteristics of the side effects. I hated how much i was spending and the ridiculous dependency my body had on it.

Vaping give me that sensation, some of those good side effects and cost WAY less. Plus it tastes a million times better, nothing bugs me the fuck out more then someone who fucking wreaks like they just smoked a whole pack of newports in the car. THough there is still an “addiction” im not dependent on it, ive forgot my e-cig and can go a whole day of work without it really bothering me, if i did not have my cigarettes 7-8 months ago, id have a breakdown

Cig smoke is top 3 worst smells on earth.

Burning cig filters is worse! Lazy smokers are the worst, at my work all the smokers fill the plastic cig butt container but never empty it and then there is always one dumbass who puts a lit cig in there and starts a fire of old ass cig filters…fucking stinks up the joint.

Its crazy to realize thats how I used to smell, I always used to have gum and some axe on hand, after i got done just had a drink some gum and sprayed myself down, but that never did anything. The things I can smell now its insane.

CANNOT STAND when a customer walks in after i know 30 second ago he was sucking a stick down as hard and as fast as he could, and hes up in my face trying to talk to me…

I still know people whose houses I wont go to because I come out reeking of that funk. So glad smoking is illegal in most public places nationwide. I’m usually all about personal freedoms but fuck smokers blowing their cancersuperAIDS vapor all up in my nasal passages and ruining my favorite hoodie in 2006.

This thread is now for rants about smokers.

Fuck smokers

Saw some dumb bitch driving with her window barely cracked smoking with her kid in a car seat directly behind her, I wanted punch that fucking idiot right in her cum dumpster.

One thing I never did, cannot stand seeing people smoke with their kids in the car especially if they leave the windows closed which I’ve seen countless retards do.

IIRC its illegal as well over the past year or two?

Question for shady: Are you using vaping to eventually quit all together? Or as a permanent replacement? I think I could support vaping to wean people off of cigs…things are gross.

I don’t plan on quitting no, I enjoy it. After doing my own research and looking at others, I feel that there is no more risk to me in the long run then my daily caffeine ingestion.

however I do know people that have used it to quit, and was the only thing that helped them to do so even after trying many of the other “approved” methods, including the suicide pill (Chantix)

Slowly lower your nic level till your off it completely, I know some that still vape just with no nicotine whatsoever