Shady's Cigarette savings

Shady’s signature.

If you’re still not smoking and it’s not just an old sig that’s out of date, good for you! That’s a serious expense otherwise for those that still smoke. :wow

Whats the cost of e-cig refills? :lol

Well as I’m sure this will turn into a heated debate for those who don’t really understand.

I will be a year smoke free the end of next month. I have been vaping for a year.

Say what you will about it, but its been the best year of my life in terms of health and money savings along with the friends ive made and people ive met.

Steve, I spend ~50 a month for liquid and atomizers/cartomizers unless I’m going crazy trying new shit that comes out or if I buy a Mod

actually i havent spent a dime the past 2 months because ive been using stuff I bought, dident intially care for and went back to and finishing (e-liquid flavors)

So over ~11 months it’s ~$550. Still much better at least financially than the $5000 estimated by your signature calculator.

Thats based on a pack and a half a day and the money spent on the last pack of cigarettes I bought last March 27th which I belive was around 9.78

I smoked at least a pack and a half a day, sometimes 2 packs, so that number is actually probably a hair low. Thats not including my wife when she smoked, she smoked about a pack every 2 days.

E-cigs turned somewhat into a hobby for me, I like to buy “mods” and try a lot of new shit, so theirs months when I don’t buy a damn thing, and there are months where I buy a shit ton of liquid just to try that I may not like and pay it forward to someone I know who does vape or set someone up who wants to try vaping. Ive spent probably a little over a grand vaping this year, this comming up year, I’m sure ill spend half that as I have found my sweet spots, what I like and what I don’t and I have no need to buy any more “mods”

When are you going to do the car battery mod?

i wanna see a leafblower attachment too!

E-cig rebreather mod? No? Epic underwater adventures would ensue…

Every time I see his sig I just laugh at all the people who are broke and on welfare but still buy 2-3 packs a day with “what they don’t have”

its actually a bit of a shock sometimes when i look at it

one of the best things ive ever done for myself and my family. I honestly don’t know I i could afford it before…

That’s a lot of cash saved nice job.

Throw some e/cut free goodies my way , ill give a good setup a shot . The cheap ones at hodgies mart don’t do so good . I’m a 2 1/2 a day smoker !!!

I think I may have something for you Jon, i’ll take a loko tommorow if I can I’ll set you up