Fence on Easement?

Behind my property is a pond owned by the town. Along the side of my property is a 10’ wide easement from the pond to the road. When I purchased my lot they told me the lot “includes” the easement. I mow and maintain this area. My neighbor has a fence along his propery boarding this easment.

Id like to build a fence but would like to share his fence on the shared boarder. Can I build a fence on blocking the easement on the back side near the pond? What if I put an access gate where the easement is? I think it would look stupid to put my fence on my side of the easement and leave a 10’ strip of unoccupied land. Id still have to mow it as nobody else would and it would look terrible.

Does anybody familar with the law in this case? I dont know what town department would be able to answer my question.

Post up which town you’re in. This may be some helpful info for someone to help you.

GL! :slight_smile:

you can call the town, theyre usually cool with must shit like that unless its a safety hazard or blocks access to something they need.

Its Greece. Im afraid they’ll say NFW.

Who technically owns an easement? Its apart of my property survey.

Greece has lots of weird laws and shit regarding building stuff and zoning and what not.

Where are you in greece?

western greece near elmgrove plaza

Ahh ok, You’re going to need to contact the town to see what regulations and build permits you may need if you want to do it legally.

If you think your neighbors wont give a shit, go ahead and build it, if you have a whiney DB neighbor follow procedure.

im erie county i was going to build a fence on top of a sewer easment, as long as there is a gate, its ok

thats good to know, thanks.

There is no possible way that anyone on here can give you any sort of useful information.

I’d start by calling the town clerk.

Sure there is. Viper and the Russian already did.