Ferrari 458 Spider "Runs Over" Cop

Dude is a idiot, your rich who gives a shit about 200$ worth of tickets.

Being a douche trumps the money. Guy obviously thinks he’s entitled and above the law.

Cop was also being a douche

Cop only started being a douche after though, and I totally get it. Any non douche driver would have said, well fuck. I guess I’m getting a ticket. Or they would have at least stopped when told. :dunno

Car is awesome

The guy should get smashed off the pavement everyday for looking the way he does also

watch the ferrari door/taxi door at :35 seconds. You can hear it and see it. They hit alright.

:rofl at some of the comments

Fking cop trying to think he actually is important. Writing a parking ticket for someone who has a car that costs his yearly salary to make himself feel better? Cops need to learn their place I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Chabbott sues his ass for a hundred things and forces that piece of st to lose his job.
Time is money.

Police aren’t allowed to force people to wait until they’re done writing a ticket - either the person is under arrest, or he’s free to go. There is no middle ground. Also, the cop clearly put his foot in front of the car’s tire in such a way that Mr Chabbott (who makes his money from voluntary exchanges, rather than extortion - like cops do) couldn’t see it from the driver’s seat. But none of this will matter to the fascist State. One of their officers was injured “in the line of duty”, and a mundane must be punished to compensate him for his troubles, so he can continue to harass peaceful people in the future.



So then, next time im down in NYC and see a cop writing me a ticket I can just drive off, because he’s not allowed to stop me till he is done writing the ticket?


I agree, but when you got money you dont give a fuck and you think your shit dont stink. ( Not everyone but most)

Would i be like that no, but i would not act like a idiot over bullshit tickets lol. i would take them and move on.

I’d like to think money wouldn’t change me either. But in order to test this theory properly would anyone like to drop a few mil into my bank account?

Please, send me your bank account info immediately. Along w/ SSN, driver’s license number, and your passport.

Passport expired last year does that matter :rofl