Ferrari Lift System available for normal cars

I was watching a documentary on Ferrari and they were talking about the Enzo. While watching this, there was a really cool feature it had that I was blown away by. Given it’s really low clearance it is difficult for this car to get over curbs. But with a flick of a button, the front end raised up like 2 inches or something to clear the curb.

After seeing this, I thought, that would be an awesome system to get for cars that have a drop. But I thought, at the time, that this was a Ferrari only feature. Well, I was on Top Secret’s website and I saw this same system available for any car with a coilover system…

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I thought, this so cool, especially for those who want to slam their cars. Unfortunately it only works with Top Secret, Aragosta, HKS, Cusco, Kei Office, Quantum, Tanabe, Bilstein, Ohlins, Tein coilover systems.

Just thought I would share this for those who didn’t know about it. It’s a bit pricey but thinking about the possibility of curb rash or breakage of front lips/clips, this system would be well worth the money.

Front System - $2900 US

Umm… Airbags???:001_rolleyes:

i would rather replace a 400 dollar bumper than spend that much on a lift system…iwould say watch where you are going…but im pretty sure my car has never had a good front bumper for more than 2 days hahaha

honestly, i would rather buy $2900 in 2x4’s and use those for ramps or something then to invest in such a system, japanese cars arent like ferraris or lamborghinis or anything like that, and they dont need fancy suspension like that.

its nice that they thought of such a system, but its not practical to own unless youve done everything possible to your car except that

i like the idea, you could have a slammed car that quitckly raises just enough to get through the parking lot, or some of the several shitty roads and alleyways in edmonton.

but definatly a finishing touch for a car that has everything, 2900 is steep

I’m not sure why guys/gals would set up their road car with a lowering job that’s only suitable for track. Which by the way, there isn’t a track in the city and the one in Calgary is pretty beat up and about to be bulldozed. So I guess slamming a car to the ground is about the looks then.


Yeah, I guess you could say Stratotech is a track even though its designed for go-karts. I heard from quite a few drivers that its great fun there, even if it is of the ‘Weenie Hut Jr.’ proportions (small track for small cars like mine). Still, slamming a car right to the ground and hurting your ass (and your car) everyday is a big trade off for infrequent use of a small track that some drivers ‘might’ (and let’s face it, most won’t) use 10 or so times a year. But, to each their own I guess.