Mine use to make that bzzzz sound when I turned the key, but now it makes a tick sound. Is it fucked or could it be something else?
does the car still turn on and idle well ? does it drive and rev through the rpms and boost well. If yes then I would not be worried but if there is hesitation or stumbling it might be on its way out
It doesn’t run, just cranks. It died on me when I got off my driveway.
bad grounds? ticking might indicate loss of power. check battery and then harness grouns and maybe altinator
I’ve checked everything. I’ll be changing the fuel pump tomorrow, I’ll post up the details.
check the relay and fuse … are you out of gas ?
I checked the fuse for the fuel pump, I don’t know if the relay is good or not, don’t know how to check it. I put some fresh gas in it.
Switch the two green relays in the fuse box by the battery.
Sounds like a relay.
happened to me twice in the last month. stoppe don the side of the road, just cranked, no starting. took a screwdriver and smacked the relays, and good to go.
also blew the 15 amp fuse right beside it the first time.
well me and amar were troubleshooting today
fuel pump works fine
car has no spark
changed fouled plugs and
changed the ignitor module with a working one, still no dice
this motor is a headache and a half
I just wanna take a sledge hammer to it.
:evil: :evil:
If you do please take pictures
sounds like you should check if your starter is plugged in properly…that’s my answer for everything…Btw it’s happened to me before, bagged a car too much, and the wires got loose.
? if you can hear the starter turning over the engine then starter is fine… if it clicks then it might be bad or there is a lack of power to it and if nothing it is cold dead or it is unplugged. This is a completely different issue that has to do with ignition or fuel
any luck in solving your issue? seems im in the same boat as you.
the plug that went into the cas was fubared
Ya I changed the plug and she fired up. Might be something that involves your CAS.
…i was almost right? :shock:
interesting…how did you go about changing the plug? cut and splice?
Yup and soldering.