Well, it just so happens that there is a figure 8 track just outside of lethbridge which hasnt been used in a few years, and it just so happens that the gate was left open, and it just so happens that i went inside and drifted the piss out of it for like 10 minutes. Heres the good stuff that crazydave threw together for me, thanks a lot man. Hope you guys enjoy, also, is it possible for someone to host the file for me…or know of anywhere to host it or is it too big?
Anyway, here she is, i dont know how long it’ll last.
Fuck, you should have seen his tires afterwards.
Edit Okay you see them at the end of the vid. 8)
Good old prarie drifting…NICE 8)
anyone know if i can get a copy of JUST The video … with no music???
No you cannot!!!
PM crazydave he should be able to hook u up. The video was cool but it was so much cooler in real life!! lol Good work chris.
That looks super sweet fun time.
not many people like the song? haha. as far as the video with no song, i could probly hook you up. im pretty lazy tho. chris you are a very good driver! 8)
There ya go, i re-hosted it, haha, suckers at usendit, haha.
nice car. even nicer driving. anyone up for a necc event at this place next summer? haha that place is sweet.
Thanks man, but i dunno, the course got pretty redundant after a while :lol: . It was still a lot of fun though, im sure a group of us could spend a day there and not get bored.
On thw way home from picking up my rolla we went to visit it, and they locked it up pretty tight. like 2 chains and locks hanging off everywhere. lol
:alright: :cry to say the least i was not to happy