Finally after 2.5 years......I'm done

congrats man

nice brother :tup: I’m jelous.

I’ve been trying to quit on and off for a while now. Not an easy thing to do. Good luck and stay with it… and avoid drinking for a while lol

2.5 years? You can do it. Seriously.

I quit 10/1… after 12 years of ~1 pack/day.

You need support, call me up. 228-7353

Seriously, after the first 3-4 days You know that Your body doesnt crave the drugs anymore, so it’s just a matter of telling Yourself that.

I can’t wait to be able to get through a game of basketball w/my little cousins without dropping after the first 5 minutes.

GOOD WORK. Keep it up. You’ll occasionally miss the flavor, but You know that it’s not worth it… to say the least.

yep. ive done it before too. so i know when i am ready i can do it. but right now i like smoking.

:tup: i wish i could quit, newports 4L

smart move!

keep it up :tup:

Good job!

$5 a day x 7 days a week= $35 x 52 weeks= $1820 <---- Thats some mods right there!!

Thats exactly why I just started quitting. :eekdance: :eekdance:

Congrats :tup:

You also don’t smell like a scumbag when you get back from a night out :slight_smile:

which means you can wear the same clothes over tomorrow!

which means more money saved on detergent, and laundramat expenses

lol… all very good reasons.

congrats dan, way to not cry and man up:)


not an easy thing to do, my dad’s been tryin for years…he hasnt had one in like 4 months so far…