Finally found a house (hopefully): As with most of my posts..LONG READ

Exactly the way I see it… lol.

I’m up in Plattsburgh so I doubt your realtor would be of any help up here. We are using a family friend that is doing a good job, but we have a similar budget and everything we have looked at has been horrible. Right now I’m looking for a duplex in Plattsburgh itself, I would be willing to spend a little more for the additional income later on down the road. However there isn’t much on the market right now, hopefully stuff will start to pop on in a couple weeks.

man that sucks. im sure you will be able to find something decent with 160k budget. im surprised you choose this one. the bedroom would have killed the deal for me. banging my head on the ceiling everytime i got out of bed would not be fun.

What a scumbag ex wife. She already ruined her life, her families and now messing up yours.

How about tell your lawyer to contact hers again and say look my client will be out $1200 because you keep fucking around, if it all fails, I will see you again in court for the $1200 my client will seek from your judgment.

Fucking scumbags… it makes me pissed off and I am not even involved! lol

GL with it all man.

the thing that kills me is that she was already getting 10k + but she killing deal for 1k. Not the brightest of the bunch since this is probably her only chance too get her money from the ex husband.

Good luck with that. Very rare you will see a small house with a oversized 1 car garage. You will be lucky if you get a garage at all for a sub 1k sqft house.

I was looking for exactly something like that when I was house hunting, but couldn’t find one.

Theres a few houses for sale on the street behind mine in Rotterdam that might fall in that price range.
The garages are usually big enough for a car but without a whole lot of room to spare once one is in there.

Full basements too.

Not huge houses but usually 3 bedrooms.

Those two are listed by private realty companies so I dont know if youll be able to find them online. Theyre on Cassella road in Rotterdam, 12303.

Both of them were owned by old people and now their families are selling them.

Its all about greed and being a vindictive bitch. People dont think shit out

I didn’t mind the bedroom at all b/c I’m only 5’8 so my head was perfectly clear anyways… lol. I’m also barely in the bedroom, and the living room had a ton of room (which is where I would spend most of the time when in the house).

Because she did nothing illegal I cannot file anything against her. I could go after the seller in small claims for the $1200 I’m out, but I would end up paying the court fees out of pocket, and even though it would be almost a guarenteed win, the only income he has is from his social security since he can’t work and didn’t have insurance. So by the time the state took their money for back taxes, and the wife got her child support, I would never see a dime from him… so I would just end up spending even more money on the court fees and would never see anything from it. So I’m pretty much stuck in a corner.

I don’t really want anything under 1k sqft. We’re looking more in the 1000-2000 area. We’ve found quite a few, but there’s always one thing that one of us doesn’t like so we don’t pursue it. Since I have to get re-pre-approved, I’m going to try to get approved for a little more and then I’ll have a little more room to work with.

I’ll check them out. Thanks.

Got word from my attorney last night and it doesn’t look like the wife is going to budge so unless something changes today, I’ll be signing the contract release and starting this shit all over again from the beginning. I wish I could find out where she lived so I could go to her house, knock on her door, and just simply say “Now you get NOTHING!!!”, then turn around a walk away. I think that would just be plain awesome…

shoot the cunt, i bet the dude would give you like 20grand off purchase price.


At the very least I would save the $11,000 that she is already getting… lol.

We have 1 last ditch effort. Apparently the seller’s real-estate agent knows the ex-wife pretty well and is currently tracking her down to try to “talk” some sense into her. She is also going to put up a Short Sale sign in front of the house b/c the ex lives in the area and that will hopefully snap her back to reality b/c a short sale would mean that she will never see a dime… but she only has until tomorrow evening by the time I can meet with my real-estate agent to sign the paperwork.

good luck broski
