Tips for House hunting?

Anyone have any?

I’ve been looking for a house for over a year now, and it just doesn’t seem like the search is progressing at all. I didn’t think I have hard criteria or wish list, but I guess I do. Or my realtor is very good at stringing me along.

Preferences: within 20 minutes of work and have a garage or barn large enough to accommodate an auto hobbyist/enthusiast (basically bigger than 2.5).

What am I missing?


Your location is a big factor.

Have you thought about buying the right house at the right price with some land that you can build your ideal workspace?

I do not think what you are looking for is impossible, but maybe you need to shift your focus and find a property that you can modify to fit your needs.

Also, from my experience, no matter how much you spend or how nice you feel your new home is wonderful, you will spend endless time and money making it your own.

Insert venn diagram with budget, location and specifications here. Looking for over a year in a market that had a good amount of churn seems strange. Sounds like you’re sticking to an unattainable expectation or you have cold feet.

Budget is $200k, and within 20 minutes of Eastern Hills Mall. School district, area does not matter,as I am a single dude with no kids. Lawn/yardage doesn’t matter either. If it has one great, if it doesn’t - even better!

I have only seen a handful of houses with garages/barns bigger than 2.5 car garage, and 2 of those had a collapsed roof on the house or barn. The rest have been places where I may have been able to build something if I could get the permits necessary, but I was hoping to avoid that. This will be my first house, so I’m fairly certain I won’t be there forever and don’t want to lose a ton a money on the resale of a house with a new construction work area. I’m a fairly large guy at 6’2 240 lbs, so some houses have been extremely tight fitting/feeling, which has played in to this taking so long as well.

It seems that the search criteria for houses is not helping my requests either. Garage option selections are limited. How did you guys find a place that fit your needs?

I didn’t.

I bought the nicest house I could afford and gave up my dream of having a pole barn/extra shop space and deal with 4 cars on site and a 2 car garage.

Nice House > Nice Garage

A lot of the guys on here that have awesome garage/shop areas bought the right house and build something on site. Some other guys have bought/rented space away from home.

I want to put something on my property but I do not have the room I want to make it work, but I love my house/yard so I can tolerate the lack of garage space.

Yeah that’s tough, maybe out in Akron area you could find a fixer that fits the needs. Most houses with the “great garage” or barn probably have a house that is over your budget to go with it.

I’m in the same boat. I regret not jumping on a house I found a few months back. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to find something with a small shop.

^ This. The number of people so into cars that they have a 3+ car garage and a sub $200k property is pretty small. You’re probably better off looking for a house with some land under your budget and try to finance in building an additional shop space.

with that budget you aren’t likely to find a house with an attached garage bigger than 2…and probably not so likely to find one even with a large detached garage in your search area, unless of course you go for the “double-wide plus pole barn” option that seems to be popular in some areas.

buy a 150k house and build a 50k garage?

The market is pretty slim picking for a 3+ garage attached/detached sub $200K.

Just looking through MLX i saw a one decent one, 1281 Bowen in Elma (about at the 20 min limit from Eastern Hills). 1700 sq ft from the listing its totally redone from the basement up (windows, baths, kitchen, roof, etc) with a 4 car detached garage right behind the house. List is $224,900 but there is always room and not sure how strict your 200k was, might be worth checking out…


Then you could live in the cool part of town with all the other cool cars :stuck_out_tongue:


You’re essentially searching for a unicorn right now with the main issue being the barn/shop. I’d find one in your range with the land to throw up a metal pole-barn and call it done.

Yea I’d say budget is your biggest obstacle. I recently entered the market with a budget of 300k and was surprised to find that I really need to be closer to 400k. Nice houses sell really quickly and at or above asking prices right now.

I asked to see 5 places that were scooped up as I was notified about them. You really do have to move quick and have a good realtor that’s working for you this time of year.

I’m actually surprised with the feedback that the budget would be the biggest issue. Even when I search with no budget, I don’t see a lot of listings with large multi car garages. I’m hoping not to have to build as I don’t think I’ll get the return worth when I sell the house. I tried to purchase one house already, and it turns out it was marked at a price over what the market assessed value from the bank was, so the bank said no mortgage for it, stating if I defaulted on it they couldn’t recoup the mortgage. The seller was openly trying to get his money back for the 4 gar garage he built on the property. Everything was meticulously maintained, but he was trying to get a cash buyer who didn’t need a mortgage.

Barns or extra storage spots aren’t really a selection available in the searching I’ve been using. Have I just been using bad tools? I use realtor, realtyusa, hunt/era, century, remax, trulia, zillow…

I appreciate the input though. I did see the house in Elma listed and asked my realtor to get me in to see it. Hopefully this week! I do like the color Green!

Did your realtor set you up for instant email notifications when properties are listed on MLX?

+1. I don’t know how much this has changed since we were shopping, but listings wouldn’t show up on the publicly searchable sites for days after the realtors were getting them. The house we ended up buying finally showed up on the search sites 24 hours after our offer had been accepted. :tup: to our realtor calling us about it minutes after it was listed.

The large multi-car garages and or detached shops are not that common, and those that do have them are most likely a lot higher than the price range you’re looking at. My wife and I started with 1 budget number, and have concluded that to get what we want in a house we’re going to have to about double it. We’ve been casually browsing for about 2 years now, and anything we’ve found that has 80% of our need/want list is all easily in that higher range. Just means we are going to be renting for a while longer, but for us, that works just fine. Be happy you’re in the Buffalo area though… we’re in SLC and for 200k here you get a 1500sqft house, 2 car garage, and 3’ of grass between your house and the next house on both sides, and 6’ in the back (built of the quality of a Ryan home).

This is what my experience was. It was nice to see them as soon as they hit the database. Often times I’d get two; once when it was listed and a few hours / minutes later with pictures.

However the reverse is how I found my house. For some reason it was posted on a publicly searchable site at like 9pm on a Saturday, with the open house being the NEXT DAY on Sunday. I showed up Sunday and there were tons of people walking all around the property. My offer was in that night, as well as 3 others. And to think I almost went to bed that night without doing my twice-daily search routine… :eek: