Finally going to do it, me thinks...

Nope, never ridden any type of ATV/Bike/what have you. But, I can drive manual all day long and I’ve watched loads of videos on how to shift gears, etc. to prepare myself for the first time I get on the BRC bike (whatever it is). The only problem I forsee having is getting use to roll off the throttle and pulling the clutch. The shifting didn’t make sense to me reading until I watched one youtube video where the guy put the camera low to show his foot in action. After that visual, I was good to go.

But, just like a car, it’s just a matter of learning the feeling and getting the coordination down IMO from what I’ve watched/read. I stalled my dads 92 Chevy 1500 like 8 times when I was 13 before I got the hang of it :lol. That was the first time I ever tried to drive a manual. I’m sure I’ll have my minor jerks and maybe a stall or two on the bike…but isn’t that what BRC is for? :lol

And I already have a rule that I won’t give rides or ‘pick up chicks’…doesn’t matter if I’m on a 300 or a liter bike. I don’t want someones life in my hands even an accident happens that isn’t my fault (someone hitting me). It will be and my bike, and that’s it. Rear seat will be replaced by this sweet looking cowl I’ve found and it’ll stay that way.