Finally going to do it, me thinks...

  1. I don’t own boots of ANY kind
  2. Majority of workboots have shit ventilation when it comes to having your feet next to (I’m assuming) a hot ass engine on a hot summer day. My dad is a mason and has had many a different pair over the years and they look like the least comfortable shoes ever.
  3. I want something comfortable. Most comfortable work boots are probably $60-70 (or more) anyways. Might as well get a much better looking boot which was DESIGNED for riding a motorcycle. Not to mention, spend money once instead of buying a simple boot for just the class for say $40-60 and then buying something nicer down the road.
  4. Relax. It’s not you buying the gear. I’d rather spend a little more and be well ventilated, and most likely better protected than not.