Finally going to do it, me thinks...

last word of advice…

When you crash on the bike on your own. (not if, WHEN) If you have collision on the bike. Insurance companies must replace damaged items with OEM original factory replacements. No repairing, no painting, welding, etc. No aftermarket parts, and no used parts. Damaged items can be mangled or just a tinnnnny scratch. This is why it is VERY easy to total a bike out, and like I said before, you can and I have see totaled out bikes from simply wind blowing them off a kick stand! Biggest thing is a scratched frame, can not be repaired, it must be replaced, and the labor is expensive as hell and the frame is too. even a scratch on a frame can be the kiss of death to a clean titled bike.

Why am I mentioning this… because they only pay out fair mkt value for the bike. IE like every retarded kid out there does, they buy a brand new $12K GIXXXXXER, make 3 $200 payments on it and have a $11,400 payment book left, for a bike worth 10K or less… when its totaled, they might not pay off what you owe. LOTS of squids every year do this and make another year or two worth of payments on a bike they no longer possess.

Reason #1 in my book NOT to buy a new bike, for a first, 2nd or even 3rd bike for that matter… unless you are baller and care to piss money away.

Which is why the ninja clutch has a MILEEEEEEEE long friction zone! lol

I also assume you rode a clutched something atleast once befor your dads lesson.

I have shown about 30 people over the few years learn for the first time to ride a quad, dirt or street bike… a few didnt stall and were ok, all with zero concept hit the grass/pavment learning. and I teach the "let it out slow, once it starts to move STOP letting the clutch lever out unil you reach this point (parking grid line 15’ or so away, twig in the lawn) so they feather the piss out of it… they do that a bunch of times 10 mins later, forget and clunk clunk, stall.

It’s not going to be new. Plan is to wait till the 2013’s start getting sold as people upgrade from them to bigger bikes, etc. And when the 2014’s come out.

I don’t think it’ll be that bad. And I don’t have any access to any other toys.

The class I registered for is 2 days and 9hrs each day…so 18hrs of practice.

Omgz I can go up mountain roads so fast on my 250… Dee da dee. :haha:gay2

Btw, I’m also still a current rider… And as posted before I started on a brand new R6 first bike other than a dirt bike when I was a kid. I never spun out or almost high sided.

If you ride within your means it doesn’t matter what size bike you have. You guys should be more worried about him riding in his means than him buying a chicks bike.

Like you wouldn’t buy a 14 year old a 50 cc dirt bike for his first dirt bike because omgz power is bad. No you get him a something he won’t outgrow and will enjoy when he gets more time and experience under his belt.

Since someone else brought up people dieing on bikes… Da fuck do I care if some squid jersey shore fag looking mother fucker killed himself because he rode like a tool bag and thought it was cool to not wear leather. Act like a tool and a dipshit and bad things will happen. Just because some arnt mature enough for a 600 doesn’t mean starting on a 600 is a bad idea or unsafe…

Starting on a race bike is a stupid idea. Period.

Just cause many do and get away with it, doesn’t make it smart at all.

Riding a race bike on the street where 99% it’s life/miles it will be within 10mph of the speed limit is a whole another idiocy story.

Why didn’t you start on a Zx14? Busa? R1? You clearly had the throttle control down, and R6 is pussy compared to them. Gonna have to trade as soon as you get bored with it anyway.


Can we stop beating a dead horse? YouTube is FULL of videos of guys doing their motorcycle vlogs on 300’s and talking about why/how they downgraded from 600/750’s. The new 300, evidently, is a helluva 300.

The difference between a 250 and 600 is much more than a 600 to a zx14 and etc. your comparing apples to oranges in a way. That’s like telling a guy who got a turbo car well why didn’t you get twin turbos.

Just cause some wreck and hurt themselves and don’t get away with it doesn’t make it not a smart idea to start on a 600.

The bottom line is I don’t give a fuck if these clowns drag knees on a 250… They are still riding a gay 250. I daily commuted the fuck out of my R6 so don’t sit here and say its not possible or unbearable or not smart or risky, or dangerous, etc.

crotch rockets are gay

I remember when I was in middle school I was worried about wearing walmart shoes to school because I didn’t want to get made fun of.

Then I grew up.

These girls must be about 3 feet tall. The first bike is even lowered and she is still tip-toeing it, just barely.

Ilya, get something small, ride the piss out of it, sell it if you feel like it, and go from there. I started on 250 and rode that thing for 3 years before getting my 650. And I kinda miss it - Vlad can’t be bothered to put it on the road :lol If I started out on a bigger bike I definitely would have hurt myself - skipping gears on downshift, grabbing too much brake, all sorts of rookie stupidity that would have been amplified on something bigger.

I have just recently gone to Whiteface and back, and I can testify that regular street bike seats are pretty horrible for long rides. I can’t imagine having clip ons and SS joke of a seat added to that, 5 hours of riding that torture rack would f you up.

Well there you have it boys, buy a 600 or somebody may think you’re gay and ride a girl’s bike. Oh wait, adults learn not to care about shit like that.

Who are you kidding, 600’s are girls bikes too. Especially R6 as evident below.

Everybody knows real man ride ZX14’s and Busa’s instead of the pussy 600’s. At the very least liter bikes. Why even bother buying 600? You’ll get bored of it within a few weeks. Waste of money. If you can’t control the throttle of ZX14 you don’t belong on a bike.


v8lonoma sounds like a helluva guy to take advice from! Excellent riders on 250’s are gay. Yepppp :crackup

I never said good riders are gay, I said 250s are…

hey its ok it gonna be a while before he gets his bike and by then he might have his license taken away for doing 80+ on 787 so let him think about getting his 250/300

Right, and doing 80 on 787 on a 250 is much safer than doing 80 on an R6 on 787.

But doing 80 on 787 on an R6 instead of a 250 is so much more manly. :rofl

my point exactly, hes posted his driving habits so let him get what he wants and he can be the example that a 250/300 is just as dangerous as a zx14 (ur not a man if you dont own one)

Real man bike