Finally going to do it, me thinks...


So, what you’re saying is, you’ve never gone 25 over? ANYWHERE? Ever?

You’ve never been stopped for any reason, specifically speeding? Ever? (not talking about getting a ticket - even a warning)

Highly doubt that. But yeah, you’re a better driver and you could show us all how a real man drives/rides. :wtf

not waht im saying at all hahahaha on a closed private road ive taken my car up to 145mph :slight_smile: and my bike aswell im just saying your the one preaching about safety and how smart you are and blah blah blah so being a first time rider your gonna do your normal stupid shit you do in your car and bam please report back :slight_smile:

Oh god, the first picture is Guama bombs bike.:lol Some track kid (as in track an field) in LA used to play COD with him on PSN bit of a squid, he sold his R6 for a 2013 evo.

so you’re a poser?

anyone can buy a bike, few can really ride one. how you ride is more important than what you ride. except for posers.


real posers ride 1000’s and ducati’s. time to sell the R6 and get a real man’s bike :lol

I’m looking at a BMW personally :lol

I’d really like to pick up woody’s duc myself. :rofl

so your all posers and should just get a 250 because you dont need anything more on the street… idk why you guys are wasting money on all these fancy bikes when a 250 is prefect and hold their value so well and you could never get bored of one…

You can ride whatever you like on the street once you learn enough not to kill yourself.
250 makes that easier. End of debate //
If someone decided to get a bigger bike because random people on internet consider small bikes gay, then more power to him. I don’t hold random people’s opinions in high regard.
He can make his own decision based on reasons given.

“opinions” can be wrong

I rocked a scooter to work… till it died a few weeks back, but when I fix it she’ll be back on the road again.:number1

nice attempt to detract from your original statement. no one has said that 250’s are the perfect bike and everything else is always overkill. each bike has its pro’s and con’s, and that usually changes with experience and preferences.

you are the one who keeps saying that 250’s are pointless and no one should ride them.

obviously you only care about what people see you riding, and therefore that makes you a poser.

lol im sorry, but that thing is ugly as fuck… I could ride on/in alot of things without caring what I look like, this aint one of em lol…

They will always remain like sbardy and fat chicks, he loves to ride em, but doesnt wanna get caught ridin.

The panty dropper isn’t for everyone.:lol

Def not I ride a first gen sv650 vtwin that has 60hp? maybe hahaha not a r1 or Gsxr or busa or 636 and yes everyone has said that noone will master or use the 250’s full potential… So to me that means every other bike is too much and pointless

That’s backwards ass logic.

We are telling him him it’s fine to start/learn on a small bike and it’s actually a good idea.

He can do whatever he wants later.

Real men (who ride still girly 600’s) come in here and tell us that it’s a terrible idea to start that small and he needs a less girly 600 to learn on because that puts more hair on the chest.

With that said, yes 600cc supersports are pretty much the most useless machine for the street. If you want the looks/performance and no creature comfort, might as well buy something that has some balls behind it like a 1000cc, or if you want comfort and don’t care for the looks buy a proper naked street bike.

Otherwise you’re stuck in the middle. Not manly enough for a liter, not comfortable enough for a good DD/long distance bike.


Turbo busa or go home

Yeah right. If you are going to sit here and tell me you have never ever done 20 over on the interstate or at any other road, you’re full of it.

Do you have an issue with me or the bike I’m picking? I’m starting to think it’s the former. You don’t even know me nor do you know how I drive on a daily basis. You’re assuming based on one incident that I drive like that every day (majority of my tickets are for tint - not speeding - just got another tint ticket on sunday, actually). Talk about jumping to conclusions. :lol

I’m defmjumpingntomconclusions haha def don’t have an issue with you at all I tend to like Russians I’m friends with a bunch of them ( alllll of them argue) and I never once said I’ve never done 20 over haha like Dave mentioned I think ull get bored of itmand loose interest in riding nothing against the 250 or 300 great little bikes, like take for instance I had a cruser for a little while and no matter what I did to it to make it look like what I liked I didn’t enjoy riding it it was a 1100 shadow had plenty of power I just didn’t enjoy that type of ride and for someone who would use the 250 as a commuter weekend warrior so to speak and not toss it around sharp corners and back roads (what a seasoned rider would do) you would loose interest in it and would park itmand drive your car… Everyone on here has valid points 100% I’m assuming they knownhowntomride and can ride a lot better then I can they would have a blast full throttling the bike around the corner on its side pretty much I highly doubt you’ll be doing that

LOL at people that buy bikes to be “cool,” but what is really funny is the people that think 250’s are gay, yet I would be willing to put down $1,000 none of you can come close to using the full potential of a newer 600cc sportbike.

I didn’t buy my bike to be “cool” I enjoy riding I enjoy listening to the engine and the feel of the suspension, I’ve got all but a full suit for gear and its not some cheap shit either I started out on a 95 fzr and ended up with a sv650 I’m not going for the cool factor… I modify volvos for crying out loud that’s the farthest from cool…