Finding an Ebay Seller??

Does anyone know of a means to find out the person behind the screen name on ebay?

I have a feeling that I may have found a person stealing from my work and selling the items on ebay.

Anyone ever tried to find out account info before?

Let me know.

is it my mom? bust her!!!

Just post their ebay name on here and wait for our local internet sleuths to tell you their name, ssn, address, phone number, etc. It’s scary the kind of personal info I’ve seen come up on here.


Does anyone know of a means to find out the person behind the screen name on ebay?

I have a feeling that I may have found a person stealing from my work and selling the items on ebay.

Anyone ever tried to find out account info before?

Let me know.


how do you find out…

engage me to find out for you :slight_smile:


is it my mom? bust in her!!!







Buy the cheapest item they have for auction, and you will have their name, address, and email, if they are an individual and not a company.

post a link to the auction…




I <3 you too. :slight_smile:

If you really suspect them get the police involved.


is it my mom? bust her!!!


Nope I am sure it is not her.

Please don’t mention it to her until I can found out more. I don’t want people getting wind of this.

Locutus the name is chains577 if you need any other info or find out who it is please keep it to PMs.


If you really suspect them get the police involved.


The problem is, I don’t know who “they” are. I just observed some things that make me think it is internal, not sure who it is. Once that is determined the proper actions will be taken.

check pm…


Nope I am sure it is not her.

Please don’t mention it to her until I can found out more. I don’t want people getting wind of this.

Locutus the name is chains577 if you need any other info or find out who it is please keep it to PMs.


i was joking anyway, shes way too old ladyish to figure out ebay. My lips are sealed. Kepp us updated on the results i love hearing about people that think they are too smart to get cought for doing stupid shit.


, shes way too old ladyish to figure out ebay.



well, he is from north tonawanda…


well, he is from north tonawanda…


That much I know.

I think I will just buy them and see what happens.


That much I know.

I think I will just buy them and see what happens.


Worst case you can replace what is missing at work if you are wrong. :lol:

Well I know who it is now. I don’t recognize the name.
That doesn’t mean anything, as someone here could have had a friend do the dirty work.

if you realllllyyyy want to be sure… let me know :)even if its not your boy, im sure there is something on his computer about it.