In usual fashion no one thought this through and no one knows shit
its the “ready, fire, aim” SOP of NY
In usual fashion no one thought this through and no one knows shit
its the “ready, fire, aim” SOP of NY
These assholes load up on spicy tacos and then blast a pile of shit at the public and expect us to follow the law. Meanwhile, Crim Jim is out there doing whatever the fuck he wants. Personally, I’m getting sick and tired of doing “the right thing” and getting ass fucked for it. I think there’s a shit ton of others who feel them same.
I agree that a lot of people are pissed at the BS.
I also believe half of those that are pissed will line up to gwt their NY tax stamp to avoid conflict.
Pretty much required equipment for shopping malls these days.
100% any soft target
Heres the nonsense on the training.
So should you need to take the training (its not clear that people outside of NYC will, Monroe county says no for example - so far anyway) you’ll need to hit a 11x25" target from 12ft with 4/5 rounds.
It’s going to be amazing when that training requirement really gets out there…
Ammo will be $5 each and the expense will not even be tax deductible,
Not to mention how much a 16 hour course is going to cost. If you factor in your own time at a fast food worker salary, that is $320 of your own time, plus probably $500? for the class.
If you use a Smith governor pistol with a 410 bird shot, do you only need to have 4 bb’s hit the target? It says 4 out of 5 bullets must hit, so one shot of bird shot would work.
Lets figure it at $100 per hour. Do the math. Seems reasonable.
F-Ed carry means nothing in Nys legally at least.
Looks like the gov posted a new active shooter scoreboard.
How many weeks will it be before someone checks one of the boxes?
Good thing concealed carry is…concealed.
that doesnt make sense… its illegal but ok
“Keeping New Yorkers safe is my top priority.”
Your top priority should be to stop this state from turning into a liberal shithole and a waste of my tax dollars. We already have a place for that. Its called NEW YORK CITY and thats why I don’t fucking live THERE. Stupid cunt.
they’re ruining everything on purpose bruh… no point in getting angry about when that is exactly the intent.
Thats like saying rapists will be rapists cause thats just what they do. No sense getting upset about it.
Going out to eat tonight…too bad I can’t bring my conceal carry…
I “wouldn’t”