Firearm BS thread

Surprised you were able to put a drone up with that crown without someone freaking out that it was the CIA and shooting it down.

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What makes you think he is not the CIA?

Also :tup: to hayburner on tap. While it lasted anyway

The hayburner lasted from open to just before dinner was served. Its not like it was gone in 30 minutes.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves for letting it last that long. Pathetic.

Fair point.
It could also be noted that there were hot dogs all day.
And clams before the dinner too.

Although, by closing time they were down to cans of beer.

Im sure the heat had nothing to do with it too. :wink:

I’m in for a group buy. Set it up.


Should be good for a couple weeks…


Going to put a hurting on some clays


I shot ALL those cases in one day. Guess it was too much…

When she’s done partying and ready to settle down with a nice guy…


sounds like she might have had a problem choking

Damn what gun? I have probably 15k rounds through my Winchester pump

My Beretta. It was my fault. Wrong choke for that barrel. Long story.



So you did choke her out.

Also, maybe I should start watching the Olympics…