It was a good race.
PM :snky: detailz… and I will tell you how much boost Choda is running w/ race gas tune…
edit: ooops:crap: …
i didnt know if he wanted to keep that confidential
how big is it ?
Choda already told me, 347 twin GT turbos, 25psi
347, thats a chevy number u bizotch
WTF youngin, that is a windsor 302 stroker
:word: 346.7 is a chevy number, 347 is a ford
isnt it 346.7
346.7…i thot it was 346.69207023450782345…
damn my calculations were off:mamoru:
ahh i need to go back to sleep, and stop drinkin coffee
Its been going on for all of 2005 too youngin
i no i didnt contribute this year (the short time ive been out)…this year was a step backwards for me in my book…
i dont remember any other “big” races involving any of us…
i could be wrong idk…
many of us havent been out the majority of this year
sure i and others have beatin some decent cars…but no high profile races from what i recall
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Thats pump gas yo!
low compression roxorz… that and the hugest FMIC I’ve ever seen
lets see this vid!
That run against the bike sounded good. I couldn’t really see though. Somebody post this shit already!!!
speaking of bikes…can someone please tell me what the red one is that provoked me the night i got my ticket…i still havent got a clear answer… ive heard possibly a katana but still not sure…
edit: VIDS
and Jack, what kinda CR for 25psi on pump
it was badnews mini on gta350s bike its a 600 katana who won that race btw
Most people around here dont know when the real races happen, thats why certain people are still considered intraweb fast