I didn’t have a vendetta against anyone. I don’t like the numbers posted, I’m sorry but I don’t believe it, its bullshit. I asked for a dyno sheet, people stalled, said they would come through, and nothing. You want me to believe that after only a year you guys can make one of the highest pulls ever recorded on that turbo and I’m just to accept it without a sheet and a little track time to back up the numbers?
If you can’t get a stock ecu car to run then you have no business working on evo’s in general. AEM is a much more complicated beast especially when you don’t have a good starting base cal like you do for garrets car. You have Mr. Buschur to thank for that one.
Now I do have a vendetta since one of you guys got me banned from evom. You brought this upon yourselves, you are now my little project. You only have yourselves to blame from here on out.