first bike oil change

Doing a oil change on my bike for the first time. Not sure what, how much, and where to buy though. Bike is an 03 kawi 636. Thx

The manual is your friend.

Yea, 2nd hand bike. Never got it.

new filter, new fully synthic oil.
is it a wet sump? if so you probably want to find some oil with 4T in it

If you don’t have the service manual

edited: linked directly to torrent. download the pdf and enjoy

:roll2: Not really an idiot. lol I know I need a new filter and new oil. More so looking for preffered brands of oil, filter, what weight, etc… Like should I go to freewheeling and get the kawasaki oil or go pick up some mobil 1.

You da man!!

I’m a big fan of Amsoil, they sell it at Bob Weaver for $10 a quart. I have the same bike and it takes 4quarts of oil. Dealer for the OEM Filter. which is $11.XX

wasnt trying to be a dick, some people really dont know
we use mobile 1 fully sythitic 15w40 with 4T

I was told by the original owner to look into synthetic before using it becuase of the slipper clutch. Bike was only ran on the kawi oil and has 6,XXX miles on it.

So far I’ve had 2 suggestions for mobil 1, 1 for motul, and 2 for amsoil. lol

like i said, i’m pretty sure its a wet sump, some motul and mobil 1 have the 4T additive, witch is for the clutches