Looking for some technical feedback on the design and functionality of the strut bar.
I’ve been wanting to make this for a while now, but finally got around to it in the last week or so. This is my first attemp at any type of fabrication, so be easy on me, this project was more of a learning experience then anything. It’s a triangulated rear STB for an S13, made out of 1", 0.095" wall steel, and all brackets are made out of 11 gauge steel.
It will get painted or powder coated eventually.
All comments and constructive critisicm are very welcome.
usually people just weld a bar inbeween the stut bars so they connect. Kind of like this picture here

Shot with Canon PowerShot SD10 at 2007-06-29
even thought it is in a cage design u could utilize this with a strut bar if u wanted. just an idea for u to think about.
Yea, I thought about that, and although it would have been 10x easier I didnt want something permenent. This is still my DD and if by chance i need to carry something big, its just a matter of a couple bolts to take it out.
I think your strut bars are awesome. Kudos to you man. I really like the build, quality build and quite a smart build. Better than what’s out there including the dc sports and cusco 3 point one, imho.
I was thinking of getting a buddy of mine to build something just like that but I’ve been too busy to make the tower plate profiles for him lol…
Btw, the best cage ive ever seen on a 240 is one 12 point cage the club240 grip project. Its an awesome build in progress look it up.
Also just curious but how come you did a bolt version and not welded version strut bar? (I mean on the actual plates, obviously not talking about the center 3rd point). The dc sports and the spl parts (i forget what the company is that they sell for) are the only non bolt type strut bars i think for the 240. Your build is nice and beefy looking though. I love it, i just think you should have done something about the plates more, not that it might make too much of a difference.
Right now you have great lateral support, but poor torsional or vertical support. If you triangluate the two bars they will no longer flex up/down (picture lifting one wheel without lifting the other).
Basically connect the two bars making a series of triangles. I would go from the top strut point to the lower chassis point.
Also is that chassis point going to anything other than floorboard? You want to go do diff mounts and subframe mounts in the rear.
a_Ahmad, Thanks alot for the compliments, the reason I made it in pieces is so I could take it apart if need be. and yea I’ve seen that thread before, really awsome build.
Sasha, I undertand what your saying about the lack of torsional and vertical support but can’t quite picture where your suggesting this other bar to go?
Yes, all its bolted down to is through the floor, I know that the floor dosnt add much to the structure or rigidy of the chassis, therefore isnt doing nearly as much as say if it was tied to the subframe. But there was no easy feasible way to tie it in that i could do without removing the subframe, even then the bar would have come close to the center of the trunk.
Thanks for the comments.