First Kill Wo0t!!

Nothing to really brag about, but i definatly got my 1st kill last night!!

loaner car>new EVO :bigok:

loaner is?


no BS at all, loaner was a 240

what exactly do you mean loaner

probably cheeks 240


Keys were thrown to me, and all that was said was “If you race Dont fucking Lose this Time”!
so I didnt :dunno:


so is this car running good agian

well enough to “kill” a new evo

:rofl: chaz is pickin up chickies at the fast n furious tonight in the 240

thats tonight!! I am so there…

oh no, is this the black evo again?

its always a black evo,lol

no apparently it was a yellow one, never seen it around me though, he seems to find the best races in MY cars

Thats what usually happens

i can get any race anywhere in my car, seriously, moms in minivans, pappy in the old lincoln, no matter where i go i get the look, give it back, and off we go, its a touch more difficult when im in cheeks car though cause the nose cone is off and theres a real BIG dont bother sign on the front…

Ya did it have black rims?? everyone thinks it me… I have black rims for the winter… not now…