first post from the new moto Q

picked up the moto Q today its pretty cool still getting used to it though but its gonna play multi duties as mobile broadband modem for my laptop, pda, and cell so i think it was a good buy

i hope you like it cause i can’t wait to get rid of mine

I love mine, your fingers are just to fat to hit the buttons

they have shit on them from playing with his fat ass cornhole.

seriously you are talking shit you can’t back up

I love my Q as well. Check out PPZ Warez for free software. PDA Net is free on there so you can connect broadband on the net and not pay tethering fees! Few other good apps are Pocketnester emulator(nintendo w/ ALL the games) and google maps.

here is a forumn for you to check out

treo > queer

that’s a badass site.

I’m looking for the link for the auto lock. Def a feature that comes in handy.

i have a 650 also…i might switch if this q doesn’t stop locking up

hmm…did u update your phone slowcamaro? Mine has NEVER locked up. I would send that shit back. My buddy got the same phone and never an issue. its ppc warez not ppz

how do you do that…

mine is one of the first ones…it will lock up and you will have to pull the battery to restart. or sometimes i will get a message and the phone will not stop vibrating till i pull the battery

first use your pc software that came with it to back up all your phone numbers ect… then go to or whatever and download the software updates…research is your friend…its really not hard.

I had a treo 700w and fucking hated it. I have had my motorola Q for a few months now and it is a lot nicer.

i do not understand the language on the forum, assistance needed please (explaining) its above my education level at the moment lol

i some how sliced my charger cable in half… damn thing doesnt charge off USB. PRetty much ive been charging mine in my car

USB off computers is a lot slower of a charge than a wall/car charger. It pretty much is enough to keep the phone on indefinitely while on the net, but takes a longggggg time to actually charge.

someone wanna help me out and tell me the things i should download, or explain what pda net is or how it works getting software from other sites like given above