First Speeding Ticket Woes...

This was court night I guess. I just got back from OP court. 72 in a 55 on the 219, reduced to a single parking ticket, $100. No school.

What sucked, this was from the LAST trip for my old Fiero. I was driving it to it’s new owner in Boston NY and got nailed. I got to his house, took the plates off, and he drove me home. :lol:

Oh, and OP court, nothing like the finely tuned machine that is the Amherst court. I’ve watched Amherst process 200+ people in like 45 minutes. There weren’t 150 of us in OP, I was about 1/2 way through, and I was there from 4:40pm to past 7. Court started at 5.

The good news, EVERYONE got parking tickets. About 4-5 people got parking and school, all the rest I saw were just parking. If you were young you had to write the judge a letter explaining how speeding is bad, and how you could hurt people, and how it would affect you if you were convicted. The judge told them their fine was less because she was letting them write the letter, but from my estimate they saved about $10 to $15. I was really hoping one would have the balls to say, “Can I just give you the $15 extra and skip the bullshit of sending this letter?”.