First time you drove a 240sx

RS240 left me in his S13 with the keys back in 2000, or 2001.

So naturally I took it for a boot 1989, 5-speed, lowered, STB, exhaust/intake.

Was wood. Hated it. Reminded me a lot of a light Z28 - without the upside of a V8 and NOTHING like my S12.

Haven’t met one I liked yet.

I raced karts for years…

Then i drove my buddys mustang at a go-train station

Then decided rwd was deffinatly for me

Bought my S13 2 weeks later w/o even test driving it…no regrets.

drove my first 240sx back in the spring of 1998 i actually learned to drive 5 speed in it , and then i bought one in 1998 and then my life was over as i knew it , the s-chassis has consumed my pockets and all my free time … it started with a 1989 240sx le grey, low KM and it will end never

Dude… I think the first one you drove is the car I have now… I bought mine with 110,000 km this summer, and it had one owner… and she was a really old lady… it’s also white and 5-speed.

'93 by the way. Supar mint when I bought it, but now it’s a dirty slut.

The first time I drove a 240sx was in 2000 when one of my customers at work wanted to trade in his 1990 240sx that he had since brand new, never winter drove and always had it serviced at Avenue nissan for a 1998 Camaro SS. I took his car for a drive, I fell in love with it and later on that day the ownership was in my name not the dealerships!..but I always did like them from the time I was young.

I drove my friends S13 years ago… liked it. Bought one 3years ago. Bought 2 more after that, one with a SR, among other cars. I now think that the MR2 is a better car.

first time i drove a 240

was an 89 with a blown headgasket and i was 15 maybe 14 at the time

i didnt have a licence nor was the car plated or insured.

i drifted it and almost tank slapped into a pole

it was magnificent really

The first 240 I actually drove was the one I ended up buying.

It was sooo clean!

Took the car out of the dealerships sight, got into a parking lot. Pulling a nice powerslide, I thought to myself, “Perfect”.

Silly me. But hey, love my car. :smiley:

the first time i drove a 240 was at shannonville

first time i drove a 240 was few days before i joined this site, the front passenger side had some suspension damage, like the tension rod, lower control arm, and the tie rod was shaped like a L, with 3 flat tires, and i had to drive it down the street to my friends house, i still loved it tho, as it was my first car. and now i dont even know where that car went. lol

first time i ever drove a car. till this day

what area ???

I think that might be my car!! ballller!

I bought mine with 96,500 this summer
White, 5speed , mint as hell , reallyl old lady, one owner… km’s are at 98,000 right now…

I wonder which old lady it was

probably neither :stuck_out_tongue:

first time in an s-chassis i drove a shitty S13 hatch that some shady dealership was tryin’ to pass off as “a sweethearrrrt” lol. asshole.

About 7 months ago, there was a little garage around the corner from my house and there was a beautiful 1993 240sx LE. Leatherinterior and mint exterior. I knocked on the door of the place and asked some small jamaican dude whose car it was, and do you know if its for sale?..the guy said it was his and it wasn’t listed anywhere but he would sell it to me for the right price. He soon after handed me the keys and I took off…Came back 20 mins later and I knew I would not be happy with anyother car. I showed up the next day with cash in hand…turned out he totalled it on the way home that previous day, I almost cried lol.

the first time i drove a 240 was the day after my dad brought it home since i’d never driven stick before lol, and i didn’t stall it once for liek the first year i owned it haha… i wanted a camaro but you jsut can’t drive a classic car in winter haha… anyways i got hooked and learned how to do everythign i can do today by playign with that car… anywho i just sold it in oct so i could finish my dream and own a real rhd silvia with an rb
