fishin at VA beach

One of the things we caught last night:

other than that just a bunch of croakers, 1 very tiny flounder, and a crab that had the death hold on my squid

sweet, i caught nothing but striped tail bass when fishin in the ocean

in the bay or offshore?

Fuck that thing…I hate it…I would have been a pussy and cut the line loose instead od unhooking it

i remember the last time i caught crabs :eek2:

off shore

I am surprised you could catch anything at va beach…richmond native here, it’s gotten so run down in the last 15-20 years. That doesn’t look like the healthiest ray :ugh: …hope you had fun tho. Bars down there used to be rockin, haven’t been there in a few years…the Raven has awesome food! :slight_smile:

catch and release the things that you did catch??? I’d be scared to eat anything I caught there :dunno:

saw the raven, we dont’ fish at the boardwalk who does that? we fish up at sandbridge

haven’t been down there in 2 years. used to go various times of the year due to having some family there and an aunt of mine was stationed at langley.
did offshore fishing then. caught nothing. fish treated my line as a rotating buffet.
it was the 11 year old kid next to me that caught the sand shark.

and sandbridge is a great place. thats where my family stays if they go down. about 15 years ago, give or take, the day afater we left to head home a whale beached itself right around the area of where we were staying.
i was a little disappointed to see they were building that hotel right on sandfiddler rd. it was still under construction the last time i was there.

My little sis has a townhouse at the S end of town at Rudee’s Inlet…I’m no fisherman, but there’s always people there fishing.

it’s not a hotel it’s apartments

now that’s a different story all together! Sandbridge is really nice, quiet, well it was quiet the last time I was down there.

I was thinking you were fishing like at VA Beach proper, like where the hotels and stuff are. I was like :ugh:

gotcha…last time i was there was 2 years ago. they were still under construction. looked like it was a hotel going up. was kinda sad about it seeing how nice and residental its always been there.
glad to hear it’s just apartments.

there is always good kaykaking (sp?) on the back bay.