ill be the first to appoligize, but you have to understand this is my passion. something i take to heart. there is so much miss information out there its not even funny. i mean shit you have people like Dr. Oz telling people there are diet pills that make you lose countless numbers of fat while eating the same shitty food they grew up on. i mean when you think about its its gross! people dont understand whats really out there. GMO foods, how your body reacts to ph ballance and alkyline foods etc etc. i could go on all day but i wont. the chemical makeup of the human body is amazing and what people dont understand is its also very lazy. it wants to stay in a homeostasis state, not do anything and be lazy as shit. brain/muscle control is something only a handfull of individuals posses and its something that can be worked on and one of the most useful tools. all this comes into play when trying to get big or burn fat stores. its all a science that 99.9999% of the gym rats dont know. shit even people with degrees dont know this shit. i mean if i were to ask you what a fully contracted and fully stretched bicep is, could you show me, without googling the shit out of it that is. haha