Fitness bros of Shift. I need diet help.

high intensity interval training within 30 minutes of waking up for 15 minutes or very low intensity cardio for 45 minutes will minimize muscle loss, doing plain cardio will absolutely cause muscle loss

you really dont know shit about shit. lets just leave it at that.

plus fucking rep dave, kid is a tool. dont know him, dont care.

Only a bachelors in nutrition… But im the retard… Intresting, keep trolling faggot… I gave my oppinion when asked that is all… Try to troll a fight on a forum. Keep up the good work dip shit

i dont troll anything. and your the one who knows his ass from his elbow. ill meet u at any time, step on stage with u at any time, run circles around you about any given subject at any time. your just a fool flapping his fat ugly lips thinking they are being the site “fitness know it all”. pipe down little man before you get smacked.

dave, fix this kid will you!

Wasnt trying to be… Not at all… Just trying to help because obviously the shit he was doing wasnt helping… You are a troll, i will meet you any place you would like and put you down… Fucking noob, come at me some more

quite honestly not a good idea to call him out like that

PJB, you know anytime you need fitness advice ill help you. ive helped you in the past and for awhile you were doing great. get back into the regimen and your body will bounce back. your biggest issue is your eating and you know this.

btw biker boy, cardio will infact use muscle as its first source of engery unless done right, with the correct amount of suppliments such as Branch chains etc. i dare you to do nothing but cardio and see what happens. when was the last time you saw a overly muscled runner?

when you know what your talking about and the science behind what your claiming, please chime in. until then pipe down because your making yourself look like a wannabe.


I actually havent stopped working out at all other than when I was away last week. Im lifting more weight now and more reps so I havent been slacking as far as that goes.

Ive been working out with my brother 5-6 days a week.

I eat a good dinner every night, usually a home cooked meal. My brother eats take out all the time and yet hardly has any body fat and is quite muscular looking. You saw him with me on Saturday. Faster metabolism I suppose.

much more to it than just metabolism. id love to see your full blood results. crit, liver, fasted cholestrol, etc etc. also id suggest you have your free test levels taken. hormones are your number one allie/ememy when trying to gain muscle/lose weight

Iistened to eman , after I listened to someone like gixxer boy ! Now I feel better a d look a lot better . If I was t on my phone I would post the latest pic of me and one of last yr at this time . About a 100 lb diff

20 of it was back hair.

Dude it was bad lol

You win…not going to start a fight on a forum like a twelve year old… No need to get butt hurt gunna get to much of that at boot camp

once a week man, thats how often mine is done. i encourage you to do the same

Who else has size like us eman ? L4b does , jellies sort of . Who else ?

ill be the first to appoligize, but you have to understand this is my passion. something i take to heart. there is so much miss information out there its not even funny. i mean shit you have people like Dr. Oz telling people there are diet pills that make you lose countless numbers of fat while eating the same shitty food they grew up on. i mean when you think about its its gross! people dont understand whats really out there. GMO foods, how your body reacts to ph ballance and alkyline foods etc etc. i could go on all day but i wont. the chemical makeup of the human body is amazing and what people dont understand is its also very lazy. it wants to stay in a homeostasis state, not do anything and be lazy as shit. brain/muscle control is something only a handfull of individuals posses and its something that can be worked on and one of the most useful tools. all this comes into play when trying to get big or burn fat stores. its all a science that 99.9999% of the gym rats dont know. shit even people with degrees dont know this shit. i mean if i were to ask you what a fully contracted and fully stretched bicep is, could you show me, without googling the shit out of it that is. haha

As well i apoligize to man, i suppose that things that do work good for me dont for others, as you know! I wasnt trying to act like a know it all, just. Trying to pass my oppinion along that was it. Ive studied this shit for years, as well as had a background in athletic sports nutrition\fitness. Hell man, i dont know everything about it, i like to learn shit to still … Lol… Was just trying to help!

lol, to be honest, ii only know from watching that seminar lol.