Fitness bros of Shift. I need diet help.

They say now that instead of three balanced meals, its better to eat five smaller portion meals a day is good for cutting the weight off… I guess you feel more full throughout the day instead of starving yourself and then Eating a massive meal. Also, try not to eat before bed time. Your body will not digest what you ate when your sleeping… It just kind of sits there.

I dont get a set lunch break so I just eat lunch when I can and dont have time for 5 meals a day.

I dont normally eat real close to bed time, usually just after work and the gym. Ive gotta go to the gym before dinner because I cant work out on a full stomach.

I hear yah man… I dont know how anyone has time for five meals… I barely have time for two… Protein shake beinging one of those lol!

I drink one of those after working out.

Yah same here … Great for recovery and replenshing shit you lose from a lost meal… But not good for weight loss

Im also trying to get into shape/toned. If I add muscle Im cool with it but I want to shed some fat that I cant seem to get rid of.

You have to sacrifce something… Its either you want to be cut up or you want to be huge… In the end somethings gotta give… You know that if you lose wieght and stay training youll see a lot better results… I went from 215 to 201 and everyone at the gym thinks im bigger then when i started… The more cut you have the bigger you look… Imho

I just want to be in shape one way or the other. Ive been lifting heavier lately and Im getting stronger but just not losing any body fat.

Just remember muscle always weighs more than fat… The more heavy lifting you do the more muscle you will build… As a result you weigh more… Cutting out cardio will not be good in your situation. I suggest upping your reps increasing cardio(as much as it sucks) and start eating the rabbit food… I know it sucks but most people dont understand that it takes some discipline to lose weight.

I dont mind the cardio but lately Ive been doing it for less time than before. When I was doing an hour of cardio a day at the gym everybody was telling me I was burning more muscle than fat.

Its not so much the numbers Im concerned with, its the fat I cant lose, especially on my stomach.

I know I added muscle mass.

I eat alot of vegetables but cant stand salads. I dont like lettuce or tomatos. I also drink a shitload of milk.

Your not going to lose muscle by doing cardio… Only way you lose muscle is if you cut out working out all together…( but muscle memory will always be there)… Try bringing carrots, or broccoli or any other veggi with you during the day with a low fat dressing and eat that throughout the day… Try to stay away from fruits, only because most of them are high in sugars… Like mentioned above grilled chicken is great… You can season it anyway you like ( except dredged in bbq) and eat that with your veggi… Drink more water, 45% of your body is water, your muscles need water for repair and fuel ( too much will bloat you tho). Average person should drink about a gallon a day. And water weight is easy to lose. Thats why you see a lot of guys with gallon jugs of water.

I had a bunch of people tell me that I was burning muscle by doing alot of cardio. I didnt cut it out completely, just stopped doing an hour of it on the bike a day at the gym. I still walk every night too.

I drink alot of water so thats taken care of. Ive always drank alot of it actually.

No dressing for me, I dont like it at all.

As long as you keep your water intake up there is no way to lose muscle from cardio… Almost all bodybuilders or fitness gurus have some sort of cardio regiem…

oh my god stop

But as long as you keep up with your walking/ biking you will burn more calories… So you should be okay

Sorry man lol, i dont know shit about cars , but i can give some nutritional advice… Guess i got a little carried away… Lol

There is literally zero nutritional difference between whiskey, gin, rum, vodka, etc.

Any differences are negligible at best, that was my point, I can’t comprehend why that was even brought up.

I was told that the difference is in the distillation process … The body can dillute a clear liquor better than that of say a wiskey… Calorie wise they are pretty much identical which is the reason i brought that up. Your less apt to drink 10 glasses of a vodka tonic vs ten beers… Because of the alcohol content 80 proof vs a beer of say 3 to 8%… That was all… Cutting out alcohol although a good thing, its not going to make or break you weight wise if you stick to liquor…

easy fix… dont drink at all when you are trying to loose weight/ lean out.

Problem solved

Are you retarded?? :skid