Fitness Freaks Inside!!!


What about bigger guys? I want to do both get bulk and get even bigger but would like to cut down some weight. Would that first routine do me better or the bulking up one? How dependent on it is diet, im mainly just watching calories and im not sure how much diet effects my body.


Ok well how big are you? This routine is great for bulking and cutting its one of the reasons i like it. I would just run different splits(how often you work each bodypart) depending on if you are cutting or bulking. Diet plays a huge role on weather you are going to gain muscle mass or not. And yes you can gain plenty of muscle while dropping weight at the same time. Diet dosent have to be perfect to see results man. And to be honest i dont think its right for most people to try to do a strict diet its just not practical for their lifestyle. But what i will say is once you start to see good results you will then start getting more serious with it. Thats what happens to alot of people. Most improtant i think is try to keep your carbs early in the day. Stay away from pointless simple sugars like soda and candy and have protien after everyworkout. If you get more into it a good multivitamin fish oil and creatine i like also. give me an idea of how many days a week you can get to the gym and we can go from there