I can handle 3 days a week for 30 minutes… Im so used to being in the gym for like 1.5 hours 4 days a week… I used to be hardcore into this stuff. Things change though haha
Three days a week and to hit each bodypart once would have to be a high intensity(circut training style) workout. I actually like this method sometimes it will burn more calories and help you stay lean but wont be the greatest for gaining mass. But will deffinatley help strengty. Peopple get hung up on if its perfect for getting huge well i say you probably arent going to do the wrong excercise and get tiny on accident lol. Ok so for you i would do this split.
DAY 1 Chest/Shoulders
DAY 2 Bi/Tri
Day 3 Back/Legs
You can adjust the split however you want. If you are only training each bodypart once a week and want it to last 30min or less you then have 15min per bodypart but dont worry. High intensity training to your rescue. I say two supersets back to back and one dropset for each musclegroup and your set. But be warned this is IMO the most painfull way to train but lactic acid will bring some good growth hormone. Here is an example of the style.
SUPERSET ONE dumbell flye/incline press 2 sets
SUPERSET TWO pec deck/weighted dips 2 sets
Dropset Bench press, three drops
As far as reps since this will be your only style of workout i would do alternating weeks week one low reps im talking 3-5 reps, week two 8-10 reps. In this workout style you will have no rest inbetween sets so your slow twich fibers are going to get blasted by the ebd reguardless so take advantage of heavy weeigh early on to get the most out of you fast twitch as well. Obviousley you can use whatever excercises you want. Let me know if you have other questions