Fitness Motivation

Doesnt matter if you want to be that big or even be a bodybuilder for that matter because even if you tried, it wouldnt happen, myself included… To have the look they have, bodybuilding NEEDS to be your job, you need to eat 10 times a day based off mathematics, you need steroids, hgh, insulin, peptides as you said and you need to train 4-6 hours maybe more per day!

I dont want to be AS big as most of these guys in this video, but that doesnt mean it doesnt motivate me… Im inspired by how dedicated these guys are, how hard they train and how god damned strict they are following a diet regimine as no matter how hard i try, I cant even lol…

Youd be surprised on a bodybuilders cardio, while most of it is low intensity, the length of there cardio is sometimes over an hour straight, which imo is awesome.

to each his own, but these guys training motivates me alot more then some dumb hoes half naked… at least when im focused on “fitness”