my boots are split in half and i gotta fix them before winter comes
any way to fix this shit without having to take them off?
i got an alignment done couple weeks ago and don’t wanna fuck it up…
my boots are split in half and i gotta fix them before winter comes
any way to fix this shit without having to take them off?
i got an alignment done couple weeks ago and don’t wanna fuck it up…
I’m surprised they didn’t say something about the boots… YOu can try silicone, but you’re probably gonna be best off getting a new boot, and no, you can’t do it properly without taking the tirerod off.
You may be able to get a zip up boot, doubt it though
get a LCBO bag, cut it nice, wrap it LOOSE around the boot, pack it with grease, tape the fuck out of both ends, wrap wire or ziptie on both ends. Will be a GREAT temp fix.
found this thread looking for a tierod kit for sale. haha
Popping your tie rod out from the knuckle to change the boot isn’t going to affect your alignment, so just bite the bullet and put new boots in so it’s done and over with
double post