Fixing crack in manifold :(

ok well i picked up a manifold, i didnt even notice it at first and the seller never mentioned it, but 2 of the holes on the flange going to the head are cracked :frowning:

im sure this doesnt affect performance and it doesnt really affect stability at all, but is there any way to fix this? i want to get this done before i sell it

can you tig on washers or something lol? or maybe a thiner flange tigged on to the existing one?

and can anyone on here do this?

i’ll post up pictures tomorrow


take some pics and post em up.

Is it cast or a tubular job. If it’s fabricated (like a tubular manifold, stainless or whatever), fggtciv can fix it for you. If it’s cast, he doesn’t know how to do it properly. Sry for being a dick, but I’m a dick.

what a fucking richard

+1 on all accounts. feel free to PM fggtoilburner for stick welding of cast metals. :smiley:

Fixing cast can suck big harry donkey balls,

No thanks.

lol its tubular , ill go grab some now and edit them in

these are the 2 cracks

leave it…

Sometimes companies put those slits there on purpose to limit distortion/warpping. It may be intentional. Any idiot can fix that. It’s a mild steel flange, It wpuke take 2mins to patch that up.

Fuck it ill just leave it then lol

Yup, those are there for a reason like already stated.

Yeah i would actually cut those into the manifolds i had built. You get better sealing by allowing the face of the manifold to flex a little.

Little update.

so the fucking retard i sent this out to filed a claim against me so now my paypal account is being held 575$. i knew this would happen lol.

then he made a thread saying i was a scammer, and everyone told him he was a complete idiot lol

thats gay, hope you get your money back.

He wont win that dispute. What a little bitch though.

What is this manifold off of?

honda bseries

so apparently this investigation is going to be going on for at most 7 more business days :fu: so now i can’t use my account to pay the money i owe for my header on ebay .

apparently you need a signature confirmation for anything over 250$

has been over 9 days now… gotta love paypal.

edit: got my money back today, on a sunday… of all days :gotme: