FL sunset pics from tonight..

B would have melted the lens. Get real.

Yea I want to go down again some time soon and visit my buddies who live in Orlando/Tampa. My parents are looking at houses on Ana Maria right now

Hardly… sunset and vehicle would though…

AMI houses r holding their own still 750k-10mil… I found a house inland I wanted this trip was built in 05 for 562k and is selling for 145 now… I wanted it so bad that I started contacting people I use to work with about the jobs available down there right now… or lack of I should say…

damn i cant wait for feb/april to be down there!

Where are you going to be down there?

Yea my dad has found some 4 unit places he is interested in buying that way it would pay for its self and on the island if you go a little inland they are going real cheap

Are you talking about haileys?

Im not sure he showed me the place about a week ago I would have to ask him

i have a friend who lives in lakeland, not where you are i dont think but it is fla!!! thats all i care about. just want to get away from this cold weather!

good work kjugs

I see…

Lakeland is like 2hrs north of where I am from…


are you by venice beach? ive been there visiting my buddys cousin who i also grew up with

Nope lol… I’m from like 30 - 45 mins south of Tampa and like 45 mins north of Venice Beach…