Flash light cop?


but im waiting on my corrections tests to come back.


was that an erie county test you took? When did they offer another one?

they usually offer 1 a year

they usually offer 1 a year, and the corrections test is statewide

corrections exam is oct 27th. deadline to apply to take it was SEPT 10th.


Ok i am going to explain to you exactly what you need to do. First you need to take the 8 hour course. Several places offer this course. The best place to go is a store called SWAT. They are located in lackawanna on ridge road right past the basilica. They will give you the course and the easy ass test. After that you need to get fingerprinted. Usually if you go to your town police station they will fingerprint you for free. After that you fill out everything else on your own and send the application to albany. It will take like 8 to 10 weeks to get ur card, (and when i did finally get mine my last name was spelled wrong fuckin morons). You can work as a guard while waiting for ur card to come in its no big deal. I would highly advise against working for any type of contracted security company such as CSC, securitas, U.S. security etc. They all suck and treat their employees like shit. I work directly for kaleida and the gaurds have a union there too. Secondly, about the NYS trooper test. Just letting you know that if you dont have military experience and if you plan on getting less than a 95 on the test then dont get ur hopes up. The test they administer used to be a civil service test but not its their own and its pretty fuckin hard from what i hear. Every trooper i talk to has never said they got less than a 96 on the test. I mena ya they hire 300 to 400 people but look at this way, the last time they gave a test 35,000 people took it. Fuck that i aint wastin my time.


you would be right nick, i actually got my security license in high school through boces when i was there.I work directly for kaleida too at buffalo general with 97_b18b1 and from my experience with a contract company was shit, i worked for mueller and its horrible, and im sure you could say securitas sucked too nick. Try and find a job thats union like he said its awesome and deff. worth it

I worked for US security while I was in college. They are located in downtown but have placement everywhere and have their own training course and certification.

I just walked into the ECC trainging office and asked for a number and recieved a 15min introduction on becoming a cop and i walked out with books, panflits, flyers, and more shit. Think i may go home and shoot holes through it, good target pratice.


corrections exam is oct 27th. deadline to apply to take it was SEPT 10th.


this sounds about right…the 1 a year thing is wrong…they typically do a test once every 3 or 4 years. If you score a 95 you are in a good game. A 90 shoould still even give ya a good shot. There is still a ton of hiring going on. I got in with an 85 but the test scores are seriously going on 4 years old though.


I got in with an 85 but the test scores are seriously going on 4 years old though.


^^ are you a CO?

i got a 88 on the corrections test and they called me…also the last 3 years they have given one each year


^^ are you a CO?


fo sho. gotta work 16 hours today starting in an hour and a half. 3 day work weeks are nice. :slight_smile:


i got a 88 on the corrections test and they called me…also the last 3 years they have given one each year


you gotta be talking about state corrections. I was referring to county.


fo sho. gotta work 16 hours today starting in an hour and a half. 3 day work weeks are nice.


where do you work?

erie county correctional facility


Go to SWAT on ridge road, they hold the classes there, id look the number up in the phonebook but im lazy.

FYI alot of security places will pay for part of your liscense fee if you get a job with them before your liscensed. So you might wanna look into that.

Yes I am a security guard if your wondering. yeah im a fag watever, but im waiting on my corrections tests to come back.


I have no problem with anyone being a security guard. I just wanted to comment that your name is quite fitting for your occupation. Well done sir.


was that an erie county test you took? When did they offer another one?


I took the NYS DOCS test in april and got an 85. Went for my pysch test- written and personal,background investigation, and medical exam around the end of july. The only thing ive heard back on is the medical exam which I passed.

The state takes their time with these things. The background I should pass seeing I already have a Security liscense and the pysch test I would think ill pass cause im not nuts, but idk.


I have no problem with anyone being a security guard. I just wanted to comment that your name is quite fitting for your occupation. Well done sir.


Actually it more fits my personality then my job.

there is a weight requirement?

andy you are a corrections officer?


anyone ever heard of allied barton? they called me today didnt get a chance to call them back yet.

allied barton blows, i used to work for securitas and i worked at the M&T bank downtown the big white building u know. Well they had the biggest fall out rate of ne other securitas client because they paid u $8.50 an hour to do way too much shit. Well securitas lost the account and now its allied barton and they would proly stick u there and you would hate it.

I worked for allied barton for like 16 months at hsbc center, I made good money there (i was a supervisor for like 8 months or so) but what you gotta put up with sucks. All your bosses are wastes of skin and the clients are run by two cuntrags who are a real good example of why women shouldnt have power.