Flat Black? Yay or nay?

Alright, so that pic is satin black, not flat black. will it still be as expensive as a flat black job? I agree with the car doesn’t have much going for it in the terms of body lines or “sres bzns” under the hood, but I do not see alot of this satin black around, I would have to guess theres a reason for it

actually you just add a flattening agent to it and spray it the same way as any other single stage paint.

/\ Yeah. It’s actually far easier than a shiny color. I’ve shot both. Re: my post above.

Step 1: buy color
Step 2: buy flattener
Step 3: mix, squirt, profit

Gotcha, I guess im kinda afraid to try my own mixes and not really get to see what it will look like when it covers something the size of a b-body untill its done

I hate it…But on that car (caprice)it looks pretty cool. On every other car in this thread it looks like crap. Especially the vette, vette’s should be shiny.

John Deere Blitz Black

this is going to spiral way out of control!

Damn thats a hot e30

yeah, if the hatch doesnt sell by the time the weather hits mid-50* temps, I will be spraying it flat black with some real paint.

edit: hot rod flatz is supposed to be pretty good, and available for a very reasonable price on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/GL-HOT-ROD-FLATZ-Hot-Rod-Black-Flat-AUTO-CAR-PAINT-Rat_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ63702QQihZ009QQitemZ190201204248QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW

my del sol is going to be flat black once it gets up and running, ill probably pay to have it sprayed though.

She’s not that flat. :shrug:


Anyhow, yeah flat black only if done very well to a very nice car. It’s too easy to make a moderate car look cheap.

yeah, cheap cars with flat black look like beaters… it only looks cool on expensive cars.

so again, am I looking for flatblack or this new satin black with gloss?

I’m thinking about going flat black on my notch this summer.

techincally, its called satin. people just call it flat.

Alright well who on here paints, can someone point me in the right direction?

or its called murdered out

Go to Al Wils on Transit… they can get you the stuff you’ll need.

rob and big are my heroes although the last few episodes suck dick

flat black ftw