Flight 3407 Tragedy Thread *****

PAGING EVILSRT our NYSPEED pilot. Can you give us some PROFESSIONAL perspective here?

n20junkie is also a pilot along with a few others…

you figure 161mph is about 236 fps.

shit, they were no more then 112 seconds from landing, at that speed, assuming they were on approach.

Believe me, im not losing any sleep over it. If im that much more out of line than the people who are calling names, and the majority opinion, then ban me.

If the thread name is going to remain “Flight 3407 Tragedy thread,” you might as well hack all this garbage out of it anyways.

Ok, thanks for solidifying my point then.

Its not about knowing aviation, its about using basic problem solving skills and common sense to offer an alternative solution to what everyone else was already saying. Again, it was just an off theory. Why cant people be nice about saying “you’re wrong” (even though I still believe what I said is a possibility.)

Going down there soon, ill try to get some pictures.

Anyone else go down there yet?

Isnt someone on here an Akron firefighter, or was that Jeg who got released?

Im surprised we dont have anyone on here who was at the scene for at least a little.

You are driving at 130MPH… you start to lose control… what do you do… try to save it… or contact someone?

think that was JEG

im in no way a professional pilot but i can/do know how to/have flown/do fly a plane.

You’re not going to be able to get anywhere near the crash site. Local police have it locked down pretty tight due to the nation wide media attention.

just read that we lost a Xerox tech. and his family :confused:

Thats so apples to oranges man. Do I have a bluetooth in my ear with a push to talk button on my steering wheel and a protocol to follow with 47 people at my disposal? I would see what I could do…

I get your point and it is a valid one. Im not gonna argue it anymore because as stated before, its just another theory. Im just saying yes, I would have tried to say something as I know pilots are trained to do so.

Well im sure he knows people still…

For once, im excited to see what Jeg may be able to contribute to a thread lol.

WNY is such a small town I fear everyone here will somehow be connected to someone on that flight.

Shit is crazy… a friend of mine lives ~1 mile from the crash site and told me about it almost immediately… She was sending me pictures and shit on my cell as it was first happening… I’d share them but they’re nothing good compared to what is now available on the internet, youtube, and the overload of news stations covering it.

Very sad :frowning: RIP

There is a lot of crap in this thread for sure. As a commercial airline pilot I can answer a few questions.

  1. I’m certain that the pilots did not try to shut down the engines, even if they knew they were not going to make it. If I’m going down, I’m fighting every last second and not wasting time messing with an engine shutdown.

  2. This airplane can’t dump fuel.

  3. This airplane can do approaches with the autopilot on.

  4. Small airplanes do glide. They DO NOT fall out of the sky if the engines fail.

  5. A turbo-prop engine is a jet engine with a gear reduction box that connects to a propeller shaft. It is in fact a jet engine.

  6. The “marker” that ATC is talking about is a point in which pilots and ATC use to line up with the runway. If you were to extend the centerline of the runway about 5 miles from the airport, thats where the “outer marker” is located for runway 23 in Buffalo.

  7. The reports about the pilots never making contact with Buffalo ATC is a little wrong. The Buffalo approach controller is the person who set them up for the approach. Communication was lost when he handed the airplane to the Tower controller. The tower controller controls the runway, and airspace very close to the airport. The approach controller sets the airplanes up for the runway and then tells them to call the tower. That was the last communication.

As for knowing what happened, I won’t speculate because there are so many people that are already spewing complete bullshit, I won’t add to it. Everything is on the table right now. I wouldn’t rule out anything. Time will tell.

Oh Im aware, but even at 16x mph that’s a devastating crash.

IDK where this came up (as i didn’t read through the entire thread). Military can’t just dump fuel… they need special clearance for something like that. They would rather them fly around for 6 hours to burn it off… (I’ve taken long naps in turkey waiting for them to burn it off)

Are commercial aircraft allowed to? IDK if its a military reg, or an EPA thing

nice evilsrt

dan im sure its a EPA thing … and more


I swear I heard Robert Hager(NBC guy and pilot) say that if there was fire that does not mean it caused the crash.
WTF is he talking about?!?

The fire could be an effect of a different problem.