Florida Fail.... Mom kills teens for talking back


Police checking on the family at the request of a relative found Julie K. Schenecker, 50, on the back porch of her home Friday morning, dressed in blood-covered clothing, according to a police statement.

They found her son, Beau Powers Schenecker, 13, dead in the family’s SUV, which had been parked in the garage, the statement said. Calyx Powers Schenecker, 16, was in an upstairs bedroom, also dead.

i wonder if the kids really were douchebags??

i don’t even know who to feel bad for here.


Thread title fail.

Only in florida

Another senseless shooting…looks I need to get my carry permit asap lol.

For serial though that is sad. Either she is just nuts or those kids were complete assholes.

Ahh, Florida, America’s wang, anything ridiculous that happens in this country has a 99% chance of happening there or Alabama.

If she was that stupid at least she took out her dumb kids before they could mess anything up too bad. There should be a test one has to take before procreation is allowed.


Even If re kids talked back how could you take your own kids lives? Spank them and punish them don’t take their lives from them so they can never learn.

Far too many fucked up people in this world now adays

yeah it’s easy to joke about that shit on the internet… but shooting your kid and leaving his dead body in your SUV in the garage…

srsly man…


There is nothing that can justify her actions, she is the adult and should know how to handle a situation like this, I couldn’t even fathom the thought of killing my daughter because she was mouthy

Beau, gay name.

more florida fail… dumping kids bodies in canal


there was a more horrific story 2 weeks ago… i’m still waiting to find out more details… google acid palm beach miami pesticide truck

you’ll find it…

wtf is wrong with people.

what the fuck!


edit - ok i just watched that, obv the dude cant say it, but one twin was burned and the other twin is missing, IE was the body in the back of the truck… wtf happened???

^that happened like 30 miles south of me… 95 was limited to 1 lane for 3 days… IT WAS HELL!