Florida voting issues could determine the election

Or be a cause for another outrage and recount…

In regards to early voting so far…

The first election-related federal lawsuit ]has already been filed in South Florida, some citizens waited over seven hours to vote early over the weekend.

This has caused the first election - related federal lawsuit.

“The extraordinarily long lines deterred or prevented voters from waiting to vote,” says the lawsuit. “Some voters left the polling sites upon learning of the expected wait, and others refused to line up altogether. These long lines and extreme delays unduly and unjustifiably burdened the right to vote.”

Some polling places closed and turned people away

Miami-Dade attempted to deal with the problem on Sunday by allowing voters to cast absentee ballots in person between 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. However, after just two hours, the Miami-Dade elections department shut down the location after too many people showed up. People outside the locked doors were reportedly screaming, “We want to vote!”

This is simply embarrassing for our Democratic country of freedom.

15th Amendment to the Constitution - section 1.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition

Can’t wait for all this to be over.

What a fucking joke.

It doesn’t even matter who you vote for, but having to wait in line for as much as 4 to 7 hours to excersize your duty as a citizen to vote, when we are supposed to be the leader of the free world/poster boy for Democracy is simply disconcerning.

I’d be furious if there was such an issue locally, luckily however we aren’t a swing state so such limitations wont occur.

The country wonders why our voting percentage from eligible voters is around 50% and how to increase the number, but things such as this arent helping one bit.

It gets even better… there were bomb threats called in causing voting to shut down while bomb squad detoned suspicious items.

A bomb squad safely detonated both - a cooler containing small electronics and what investigators described as a bag of miscellaneous garbage.

Its fucking 2012 and this shit is still happening. Ive lost hope.

Vlad, why’d you quote that amendment? I don’t see race being mentioned? Or whatever a “previous condition” is?

The word is in bold for a reason.

tr.v. a·bridged, a·bridg·ing, a·bridg·es
1. To reduce the length of (a written text); condense.
2. To cut short; curtail. See Synonyms at shorten.

The early voting was voted to be shortened in FL not only by days but by hours of operation as well.

Vlads a fucking liberal socialist nightmare and shift is his rant zone… stop trying to appear non-partisan and ban me before i am forced to troll you though out the election process. Will not be able to handle your whining.

love u

Funny, I didn’t see an association with a party anywhere here, I just stated some facts and you come after me personally?

Feel free to dispute and discuss the facts above, otherwise take your wrong opinions about me elsewhere. You DONT know me and you DONT know where/if/how I will vote if it all.

I found a few interesting articles and shared them in open discussion for the articles. Feel free to do the same on the matter of your chosing, as always has been the case on Shift. I can go back to 2008 and find plenty of rants by you with ease, but it’s not the subject here now is it?

love you too


No shit, but the kicker and what NEEDS to be there as well is the shortening or denial because of race. Otherwise, there is nothing unconstitutional about it.

nolan would be the only black person id vote for.

If you’re taking the constitution literally and saying that your right to vote can be denied or limited for any other reason than race, otherwise it’s OK you got some constitutional cases to read up on and how it gets interpreted.

Otherwise point stands that such limitations and denials are crazy, hence the court case…


Digging a little more into this, looks like the judge did indeed overule the limitations sometime yesterday…

Judge orders Florida county to extend early voting

Another similar issue was overuled in August in Ohio

I believe it, down here its a cluster fuck.

Find me some case precedents that have altered the definition of the 15th Amendment. As it is written, the key factor is that the right to vote was denied or “abridged” due to race, color, or previous condition of servitude (slavery). I see not one example of that in any link you provided, therefore in my opinion there is nothing unconstitutional.
Also, you were the one who brought up the 15th Amendment in your first post, I am simply arguing that there’s no evidence of a violation of the amendment. Sure, there may have been other laws and Acts that may have been violated, but nothing in the Constitution.

Good luck finding a law that directly discriminates against a population. Hence why laws are made to indirectly affect a group, this has been the case since Guinn v. United States with the grandfather clause.

I’m not a lawyer and neither are you, so I’m not going to sit here and fruitlessly argue constitutionality, clearly something wasn’t right with the law if the judge over turned it.

Either way, if your argument with that statement is that the government is allowed to deny people the right to vote for any reason not specifically outlawed in the constitution without interpretation or common sense, than I got nothing else to tell you other than welcome to dictatorship.

i saw something yesterday saying that 700 something dead people had voted in 1 town during early voting already, i forget where it was. I’m all in favor of showing goverment i.d. to vote, i do not understand the opposition

And only %58 percent of the country actually votes.

So your telling me that the voting “system” is so flawed it can’t even support LESS than the almost half the country that actually wants to vote! hahahahahahaha What a joke.

I will add that to the list of why I don’t waste my fucking time voting. The ONLY thing I understand and agree with as far as the entire concept of putting some schmuck into presidency is the concept of giving the citizens the right to empower who they want to. But sadly, that final shred of hope I have for this country is a dribble in the bucket compared to all the stuff that completely ruins the rest of the process. Not even having the infrastructure and process worked out to support that dribble in the bucket PROVES that the people of power have us by the balls and they know it… they can’t even work out an efficient should be simple process of letting someone come in and pull a fucking lever.

Remember, you vote for more than just the President. You vote for offices that impact your life way more directly. US Senators, State Senators, Count and Local Judges, County Legislators, etc.

Even Town Judges and Councilmen, people you actually see in person.

Plus you may even have to vote on propositions, not even elected officials.

I’m not arguing about what the government can and can not do, I’m arguing that your use of the 15th Amendment to support your original post is wrong.

Thats true, but we are talking prez here.

I will vote for local guys for sure, since like you said you might even know then and interact with them. And atleast the local guys seem to get active in the community.

Like I said the voting concept is great, but the presidential nonsense is at the top of the food chain and out of control. The local town officials IMO are about the best shot we have at ACTUALLY making an impact on our own lives through voting. Get to county levels and the corruption starts to get thicker, State LOOOOOL your blind if you dont think they are bending you over at will, and past that… shit rolls up hill in this case.

Its all on the same ballot. You either vote, or you don’t.