FLR SCCA Winter Road Rally Schedule!

And sometimes you do nothing jackassish at all, and it still bites you! :roll2:

I am not going last next time.

You were the last in sequence of the 28 cars? What time did you finish and get back to the meeting point? Did you have enough time for your breaks?

George M

The car numbers were random within the speed groups, they said, so Jim ended up #27 behind some of the total noobs. Not that that is a problem in and of itself, but after about car #5, the locals start to notice us, and by car #27, the cops are there… :frowning:

Once you guys got back on track though, it looked like you were doing really well. So it will be good for you to get out of C speed…

A Speed it is! :wink:

Ha! :smiley:

I really wish we could have run the first half. I am curious to know how you got from checkpoint 1 to the first break. It took us 20 minutes on the thruway to get there.

The best part of the first section was Oatka Trail between Mumford and LeRoy. You should drive it sometime on the way back from Bruce’s, its a fun road.

I updated the first post with info on events 4 and 5.

I think I remember that road. Is it the one with the double 90’s about half way through? On the outside of one of the 90’s there was a tree right on thr edge?

That might be it. We cut out part of the middle section but there are some pretty sharp turns on that road, and not a lot of runoff.


Wait, what happened that you missed the whole first half?

A minor altercation involving a local and the sheriff.

No iguess that wasn’t it. I think it might have been like Maxwell/Lacey over in that area. It was not much more than a field access road. Short, maybe a mile, running N/S with a nice pair of switchbacks in the middle with some surrounding woods. It’s been too long I guess.

I don’t recognize your name. I’m thinking I should. I’ve been around rallying in FLR and WNY for a number of years I guess. Haven’t done an event in a few years though.

I’m a noob… Cassie (Silver, above) and I started last year and ended up winning the novice class for the season. We’re addicted :smiley: I don’t think I’ve met you but I know I’ve seen your name on the rallycross results, I went to RIT with a Mark Wetzel, but it wasn’t you :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, yeah, that definitely sounds like Lacey Road! That was on this same rally last year and we had a close encounter with some snowmobilers. John cut it out of the route this year though. Which was too bad, I wanted to go back and see how much less scared I am now compared to a year ago :lol:

I haven’t run in a few years, so I guess not. I know the folks like Mark L, Steve K. Barb P, Debbie S.

Funny there’s a guy who lives right near me with the same name too. Did that guy work at Amherst systems at all do you know?

I’ll try and make some events for sure. I just need an experienced navigator and some free time. I should be at the Feb 16th rallyX.

Only 4 days until the next event! :tup:


bump for tomorrow!!

Last event of the season is Saturday.