Flu shot gone bad


This is so freaking bizarre. Is she for real? For REAL real?

holy crap, I just got my flu shot less than 1 hour ago! I hope this doesn’t happen lol

Pretty terrible to happen.
Young and pretty. In some cases neuroloigical disorders like that will stop and the person will go back to normal. Hope that happens.

Not planning and never will get a flu or swine flu shot.

Lucky that I took off work today since 8 out of 30 people at my work are sick and one woman has just confirmed that her son has H1N1. Awesome!

And I am still pretty sure that 1 out of a million is too high of a percentage. The wiki page makes it seem like she’s the only one to get it from the flu shot. AND, if it’s 1 in a million, that would mean hundreds and hundreds of people would have this happen every year, which they don’t.


it’s neurological and damned near impossible to have this happen to you. It’s one of those mystery diseases that exist and we do not really know shit about it.

As far as the flue shots are concerned, I’m outside all the time, played outside in the mud as a child, and never take meds/shots really unless I have to. I haven’t EVER called in sick to work because I was actually sick. It has been 8 years so far.

very sad :frowning:


This is so awful lol

all i hear in my head is

I’m the backwards man the backwards man I can walk backwards as fast as you can


Question…who would still hit it?

Hit it backwards and yer safe.
I feel dirty for even joking slightly about this, gonna take a shower…BRB

I can’t even imagine how the husband feels. But that girl is gonna be super fucking fit with all of the running that she’ll be doing. I would never want to stop if that were me.

the level of frustration has to be indescribable.


Terrible…so sad.

unless shes constantly running… or walking backwards. :rimshot:

How long do you think the dude is gunna stick around? She seemed to lay still during the interview so maybe sex is still an option?

I feel so bad for her

Can she just run in place so she can talk normal?