He would only fly around when the fan was on high, making it harder to catch him, probabaly because he had the speed advantage.
Anyways I knocked this fly out o the air like 5 times and it didnt phase said fly.
Then I grabbed it out of the air, but didnt feel it in my hand, so i opened my hand and it took off!! at this point i was like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
I closed the door, there was no letting him escape, and I swiped at this fly that seemed to NEVER land for another 5 minutes before catching him in my hand again.
I poured rubbing alcohol on that bitch, fuck flys.
Bug bombs work, but you have to eliminate the cause’s.
How is your cleanliness? take a gander at how clean is your house sometime, kim and aggy will teach you a thing or 3 about getting rid of everything.
Well, afterwards you have to clean the house from top to bottom… I bombed it in the morning, then spent 2 hours away, then myself, my GF at the time, and my father attacked the house and cleaned the whole thing in a few hours time. Vacuum, mop, laundry, and dishes/cabinets.
There was a HUGE(the ones that fly kinda slow but are the size of a marble) one in my kitchen that kept buzzing by my head, taunting me. Grab a hand towel and started swattin’. I eventually start swearing at this lil fucker until he finally made a wrong turn and caught the end of my towel. Picked him up, put him in the toilet, took a shit and flushed that sucker down.